North Atlantic seed company white label seeds

Hey how’s it going!? I’ve been looking at seeds online and before I go down the road of new genetics, I was wondering if you all think there is any chance of keepers in these “classic” seeds? They have 10 packs for 55 so I could buy 2 or a 25 pack. I was just wondering what any one thinks.



I’ve always thought white label seeds to either be unstable or unknown genetically. Maybe swept up of the floor? Idk. :rofl:


I’m down with trying them. Picked up a few packs last year. Haven’t run them yet, but they’re on deck.

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it’s not the money. it’s the 3-5months grow time. why spend 50 on a pack of unsured, when you can buy Bohdi seeds, or CSI seeds.


I feel that but the menu looks just like nirvanas menu and I wanted to run some of that stuff since I got into smoking. I also figure alot of great strains were random bag seeds so at least there is intent behind making these seeds.

There’s as much a chance of keepers in them as in any other pack of seeds.

White-labeling happens in every industry. Pretty much anywhere there’s a store brand (grocery, outdoor goods, etc). It just means they found someone to make a generic product who will allow them to slap a different brand name on it.

The real downside is that you may not get what you think you’re getting since they’re produced in large-scale operations with sometimes questionable genetics. Whoever is making the seeds probably isn’t paying much attention to whether they’re getting the real Runtz cut, a cut from a Runtz S1, or something made from Runtz when they’re making seeds with “Runtz”. But they’ll label and sell it as a Runtz cross.


Their purple punch was promising completely my f*** up I’d run it again though

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Really shitty business practice from a bygone area. Ime with Herbie’s the customer service was ‘white label’ as well. Sure you can hit the lottery but are your odds as good as say JBC or GLG? Left a terrible taste in my mouth.

White labels are the opposite of freeing the Plant. Not a good look for Cannabis.



I totally get what you all are saying. I definitely think it’s a practice that I don’t like to see. Unfortunately alot of the classic strains are only available from company’s like this one or others that have been accused of shitty business practices previously mentioned. I’m looking for stuff with a pine, pepper, or a sage nose. Alot of what’s out here now is the same stuff. Some breeders have older style gear like ms.jill has that purple afghan and JOI has a good deal of older things too. Idk buying beans gives me anxiety and FoMo. They are so expensive and I want to really try them all.

I ordered a bunch of their White Label stuff in my last order, but probably won’t get to grow any of it for a couple months. From what I’ve read elsewhere I think the white label stuff comes from their associated clone business and whatever experimentation they’re doing there. The price is pretty good so I figured why not try growing their seed version of some of the well-known strains and see what I get.


Think real hard about what you said here …

Do you really suppose that these white label breeders hold classic strains/genetics that other breeders don’t have? This is not a jab at NASC, its just that i think seeds like these should be labeled “generic cannabis seeds” and not with a strain name. Because as others h ave said, its really unknown what you are growing.


I heard there’s a wholesale seed distributor in Spain and they buy in bulk like 1,000,000 indica fems. Never again. Herbie’s sent me a message claiming to have video taking beans outta breeder packs putting in white label bags. That ended all communication.

Good luck


As an alternative to the white label stuff, if $ is an issue and i understand it usually is, you might check out “Mark from Strainly”.

Cheap bulk seeds, you get some indication of what you are getting, US based and easy to deal with. I’d still suggest you have a better chance of a keeper with a $100 pack from a major breeder, but that would be maybe 12 seeds of one strain whereas Mark would get you 10 strains and a hundred seeds or something like that. There’s various threads on here about Mark if you are inclined to check it out. Good luck.

Edit - I’m trusting Mark’s narrative here and assuming he’s producing seeds and not just reselling white label seeds :relaxed:. I have absolutely no reason to suspect otherwise, I just had the thought it’d be kinda ironic if he were, given what this thread is about.


He grows EVERYTHING he sells. In fact, he sells to MAJOR Resellers who then does the “WHITE LABEL THING”.He’s in the San Diego area and pumps out approx 75,000 seeds per Qtr. Every 2 or 3 months, I send him $100US and he send me about 300 seeds (multiple strains/varieties). SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hey what’s the deal with that website? Is it just a resale market?

I grew out a couple of their white label autos that I got as freebies. Overall they were alright, the skunk auto didn’t smell like skunk at all but it’s decent smoke. Personally, at least for autos I wouldn’t recommend them over any of the more popular auto breeders.


A little bit of everything cannabis related. Some resale, lots of small breeders, etc. The website itself is “safe” and reputable, been around awhile. If you do buy there, you just need to research the history of the seller, ala EBay.

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Don’t let the cheap price fool you. I’ve had keepers in all yhe ones I’ve grown out…Blueberry, green crack, and black domina hybrid. I have the super silver haze on deck too. They are mostly overstock I think, but some are from their breeders too I think.

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North Atlantic is a great seed bank
Ordered from them many times
Super fast and professional and take cash

I wouldn’t waste me time on unknowns

Spend the extra and get a killer strain that’s proven

They carry Brothers Grimm, 20/20, Exotics and Mz Jill
You won’t be let down with those strains

Stay away from Ethos(that’s a personal discomfort with that guys morals and how he treats females and animals)


I’ve run their freebies with good results. I grew some hindu kush auto where I got two very different phenos, but one of them was among the frostiest plants I’ve ever grown.
I ran the Banana Kush photo outdoors last season, and didn’t get any really banana phenos, but it yielded well, and I have been using it for rso which it gives very good yields for.

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