Backyard soil rejuvenation project

In a previous life I did a lot of guerilla growing in NW NJ.
The woods were teeming with ticks. I always wore long pants,
tucked tightly into my long socks…then applied DEET based repellent on the
outside of pants and socks. Also long sleeved shirts with DEET applied on wrists.

Even with these precautions, one of the nasty little buggers managed to
Infect me with Lyme disease.

Nature can surely be a bitch


Yeah, cover yourself up a bot more @Meesh
Gardening in Hot pants is just asking for trouble :sweat_smile:


Still sitting in the ER. It keeps spreading and oozing. It just keeps forming these big blisters that are moving outward from the bite. Gross looking right? My skin is fire hot to the touch


Well, as soon as the ER doctor walked in the room from 3 feet away she said that’s a black widow bite. Gave me antihistamines and antibiotics and sent me on my way. At least my legs not gonna fall off and I have piece of mind now.


Sorry to hear of your misfortunes @Meesh glad ya went to see the doc! I always feel when I’m out and about that when pulling the weeds and the like that something going to eventually get me ,knock on wood it hasn’t happened yet!


So is it black widow bites or allergy to other bugs? In a weird way I’m hoping for widow for ya. Those things are nasty but at least you won’t be dodging every creepy crawly in the garden…

@cannabissequoia, Bed bugs are a bitch! We have friends where were from still battling those damn things after 5 years. We managed to self treat a couple of the homes and got them taken care of. De powder and essential oils to drive them out of their hide holes and into death by a thousand cuts!


:thinking: Better get some White Widow seeds ASAP… :joy:

Gawd that’s yucky but glad you didn’t just get drunk instead & wake up dead or some shit. :smile:

:astonished: Make sure nobody took out life insurance on you:



Would it be too much to hope for superpowers? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Okay so, it was a little confusing. It started at 7 pm moving red ring, skin blistering and oozing and hardening under my skin so I went to the Urgent Care. That doctor said he didn’t know what kind of bite it was and said I was just severely allergic to bugs. Said he wasn’t sure if I had an infection or if the high temp of my leg was just the histimines my body was producing from the allergic reaction. Sent me home with a antibiotic prescription. By this point my pharmacy was closed and he didn’t stress urgency to fill it. So, I was gonna wait until the morning.

By 2 am it started spreading and getting worse so I went to the Emergency Room this time. That doctor knew it was a black widow bite from 3 feet away. They gave me some antihistimines and told me to fill the scrip for the infection. That was a really fun all-nighter. Anyway, now 12 hours later it hurts and looks really ugly, but all the blistering has stopped and I have my first course of antibiotics down the hatch. Should be on the mend soon.

Of course, I had called my Dad at 2 am to tell him I was going to the ER, so he was a wreck. Called me this afternoon and said after harvest he was sending people to nuke the house, garage and yards for black widows. Maybe I shouldn’t have told him, but hey, I’m 47 but still Daddy’s girl. lol


Lol glad you’re on the mend! That’s probably gonna be my daughter too. She’s a daddy’s girl, her twin brother is a mommas boy.


he’d have given you his legs… :hugging:




I’ve lived in this house since 2006 and I’ve always had black widows. Usually they are in the garage or outside and are not aggressive. I guess since they are poisonous they don’t have to be. Usually they just run off and hide. I am quite certain there are full on colonies of them. It’s very rare that I ever find one in the house. The only time I’ve been bit before was by a retarded one that was in the house after cleaning. Probably freaked it out. The sucker obviously didn’t unleash the full wrath of her venom on me though as it was not even this bad. It did hurt like a mofo and send shooting pains up my leg but it didn’t get infected or as huge as this bite. This one is a doozy. Anyway, I’m a bit paranoid about going out in my garden the last 2 days. Gonna have to bundle up and spray OFF from now on.

I am certain of it! Love Love Love My Dad!! We are super close. So grateful for him. :smiley:



:cherry_blossom: Does it smell like skunk? :smile:


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Huge gourds

My first cantaloupe


So sorry to hear about the bug attack. Man, I can’t believe I’ve never had a BW bite… or maybe I have and don’t know it.

Something got me in the shady garden area a couple of weeks ago when I was pulling weeds and cutting high grass. I though mosquito at first but they got pretty big and itched like hell. I wrote it off to bees but not sure.

I got my first scorpion sting inside my house last year… It freaked me out because I didn’t really know if they are toxic or not… turns out only one in the US is really bad… mostly in Arizona desert. Mine was like a light wasp sting. Couldn’t even fell it the next day.

Already found one that big inside the house this year. I get hit by the wasps a few times a year and I react worse to them every year.

I’m surprised they got you behind the knee. Were you sitting while in the garden? I’ll have to be careful as my yard is an insect haven. I love it, but I have to remember to respect it… heh… or pay the price in some instances.

Best vibes on the healing! peace


lol, that makes it sound like I got bit in my crotch! bwhaahahahah


Gomphrena. Groovy little annuals I’m growing. They last forever. These are at least 2 weeks old.


My new hosta got it’s first flowers

And this one getting big and looking pretty. Think someone called it lungwort


No idea why my naked ladies are blooming! They usually come up in winter and usually just one flower per stem! There are at least 5 more buds on here and I have 2 more coming up from the ground. I may have thrown some soil amendments on there but I can’t remember. So cool! It’s the little things in life. Also found a one inch bulb sprout starting in the shade bed. I think it’s a pink Siam tulip. Not really a tulip, more a tropical flower bulb, but I’m excited to see it. btw… those cool pink fairy lilies are still blooming!