Baltimore Chapter 2 "The Wire"

Yessir! :wink:



Hope your healing up Baltimore. Take care!


Ahhh fer tucks sake. I’ve been in an out of the hospital. I had cellulitis. My whole leg swelled Three times it’s normal size. My foot had so much water on it that the blisters were shooting and dripping water. Anyway enough of that s***.

I apologize for not being around but everything is still lovely if not better finally finally I got rid of the spider bites. The white flies are pretty easy to deal with hanging sticky traps and letting your pots completely dry out before watering them or should I say as they need to be watered, has helped me a lot.

Here’s a quick picture for you we have a @Mr.Sparkle Cookie Devil. It smells absolutely like grape on a vine. I mean that in the best ways it started flowering immediately so I went ahead and put it in is final resting place.

Cookie Devil

Grape Mints #23- Roc Bud (will be making seed of this girl next pop) This plant smells more like candy grape and it’s I believe it’s a wedding cake cross not too sure about that I know it’s got this purple Rolex. Dunno off the top. Getting old man.

I hope everybody had a good Christmas We just pushed through it here. We’ll celebrate it one day I’m sure but it’s another day man. When I get a chance to hook my phone up inside of my tent takes some pictures they’re f****** insane I got two Wilson zero, Kush Mints, Mac1, 1 SSDD, 1GelatoxRace Fuel OG, 1 OG’er (fucking Monster, as well as my 1 Bruce Banner lady that’s fat as shit in a 5 gal radical grow bag.

I’m just so happy to be able to pull off a run everything’s just starting to flower really hard now so it’s getting ready to be photo time. Hopefully I’ll be more on my feet lately I’ve just been bedridden completely. It’s all good though there’s been a lot of people I know this died in a short period of time so I’m blessed no matter what condition I’m in I’m still glad that I’m here OG is always church. :pray:.


Sorry to hear about your problems man, I hope you recover as much as possible soon.

Glad you managed to get rid of the mites, but stay on guard just in case. Looks like you got some great strains to smoke up in a short while, take care man :+1::v:


:man_shrugging: though fruity is in its wheelhouse, more important you take care of your self :wink:


Well I hope you are on the mend. Plants look good, but your health comes first. :v:


Thank you guys. i appreciate the love. I had to come back and post a pic of the autos. im really pissed I went from a solo cup to a gallon pot. they bottomed out really quick and went almost immediately into flower. I was hoping to get a little more mass but I can dig it. weed is awesome, period. :grin: :+1:

My main tent is going fucking nuts. the bruce banner is big af! i took clones off everything today in case theye really worth running. It’s so nice to be about week 3 of flower. Theres always a bit of apprehension for me. Im afraid the bottom is always gonna fall out. Im hard on myself because
I was raised like that.

Any tips from anyone as far as flowering is concerned. ive been running my ph at 6 and been addibd sone cal nag here and there, everything looks good. ill grab some pics before lights out. Glad to hear from you guys. I’ll have to stop in and see what yall are working on, always a pleasure dudes. ill be lurking for a bit. :sweat_smile:


In my limited auto experience, they suddenly flip over to bloom after the 4rth node and just grow and bloom at the same time. So if they have packed on the bulk by node 4 they are good to go. Doesn’t leave any room for mistakes.


What’s going on everybody? I apologize about being out. With having a phone that don’t hold a charge and being in and out of the hospital I haven’t had much time to do any posting.

I’d have to say the cookie double from Mr sparkle absolutely amazing. I’ll have to pull some pictures up on that one I also grew some :grapes: mints 23 out from Rock Bud and it was very good but also very sparse. All those are finicky and I didn’t have the soil made up so I ended up having to keep it in the solo for a bit. Which stunted the growth on the :grapes: mints 23.

I have here pictured one of a few Wilson zeros that I’ve been running off of mother clone. The absolute grotesque plant. It’s just amazing the potency the flavor profile this plant will stay in here in rotation. Another one I have going that came from left field was a gelato race fuel OG cross. I’m glad I took a clone from it now I have some pictures when it finishes in the next week too as well.

The Bruce Banner got very big and the cold affected it and it’s a fox tailed a little bit I have to go back into pack and do some more pheno hunting. Definitely missed all of you guys. I’m just glad to be on my feet again feeling good and growing good. Sometimes just need to take a step back catch a breather and go back at it. Don’t mind the pictures I have to take them how I can. I can unplug my phone so I got to bring it close to it and hang it and take a shot. :rofl::+1:

Oni-Wilson Zero (1gal soil)


Beautiful plant @Baltimore ! Glad to see you back and okay!


Nice buds, glad your getting back to it :+1:


Looking good, glad your alive and well!


Thank you guys so much. How I miss posting all day. I was just sick. So now I’m getting myself pieced back together.

I relapsed. It’s hard to admit but I did admit it and I’m continuing counseling and just moving forward. Nice to see some of you guys.


Get back up on that horse and keep on trucking brotha.


Alrighty. I like to make claims but this one has me stumped. I was sorting some SSDD beans. Seems like I had a strangler that wrote out in a solo cup. I really didn’t gas it or anything hard so I just allowed it to finish fully and yeah just having it in the container like that to be able to flush it and feed it continuously came out pretty decent.

So I figured I would take a couple of the best pics that I could I’m limited in how far away I can be with my phone to the wall socket so I have to set these plants up to take pictures sometimes it’s not very flattering. I apologize. I want to say it’s a SSDD but it is what it is. Which I don’t know.:rofl:

Mystery strain
I let all the plants this time go as far as they could so I’m just going to say 70 days plus or minus. I’ll be posting some more plants as they come down. The post a few days ago was just a small Wilson zero in a one gallon pot. :grin::+1:

Just trimmed pics. Hehe!

Either way, I love the next that I can pheno hunt to a degree by keeping plants small. That way you can check out it’s genetics on a smaller scale. I did that with a Gelato cross I’m working on.

I found the right two plants after searching for a bit. A true Gelato cut and and an OG. Anyways I’ll have a small post with that plant asap. I’m gonna run it a couple times and hopefully release it.:grapes::partying_face:


Here’s this beautiful b*tch. I can’t believe how potent this strain is. I knew I would gas it as best as I could but please believe me when I say these pictures don’t do these baby buds any justice.

I love color scheme of the buds. Just meaning the leaves super dark green and healthy, I love that dark emerald green rimmed in purple. I had this pot of soil mixed up just right she got the right amount of light at the wrong time. Honestly I had an extra pot and I had already taken a clone to be grown up for my next coming run which will have a full size Mac plant in a large container. And I said f*** it I’ll take what comes off of it at least I can see what the final thing will look like and sheeesh.:drooling_face::+1::grapes::evergreen_tree::heavy_heart_exclamation::heavy_heart_exclamation:

Ill shut up and show you a few pics. This set that I just ran absolutely s**** on 95% of the stuff that I’ve seen placed in my hands through a dispensary or anybody else besides packs from killer growers. Man this stuff smells good. Wait till you see the trichrome coverage on the Wilson zero plants, f****** crazy man!


Here’s my Wilson Zero I’ve been running for a while now. This plant is solid packed with resin. The flower:leaf ratio is great. Once again these pics don’t due justice.

This is one heavy ass plant. It bogs down around week 4 then it starts doin steroids until you intervene and flush her system. Lol. The taste is almost a berry cheese. It should have been called straw cheesecake. I have another Wilson that’s being trimmed in the tent. I’d keep the sugar leaf, I just don’t have the ambition to bubble it…yet.

Anyways, it’s awesome to share my harvest in real time with y’all. All the little tidbits and love is paying off. This is definitely real medicine grade right here. What a tent monster y’all.


Nice work on the Wilson Zero!


Sorry to hear that you relapsed but you’re obviously getting back to your usual self ( or getting there. Lol.) - I’m always just a pm away if you wanna talk okay bro. .?!!

I’m NOT a Doctor. Haha. !

Anyway nice looking plants you got there.
I always have ‘mystery plants’ ( from not labelling properly.) too …!

keep up your growing and it maybe help you stay off the shite, like ‘garden-therapy’ or something.?!

Take it easy and play safely. Lol.

Happy growing :ok_hand: .!


Man crushing it @Baltimore, glad to hear your doing better. Always nice to come in and see what your up too looks like that Wilson zero is a keeper for you!