Bama' Nana Pudding - first grow in 20 years

I got some feminized photo Bama’ Nana Pudding S1 seeds and started germinating them. Once germinated I put them in some soil in solo cups. 11 days later they had all sprouted. Eventually one of them died off, it had the husk stuck to the top and was pushing on the plastic over the cup for a day before I noticed. A few days later it died. So I was left with 3 babies. Probably for the best as my tent is very small.

10 days after starting germination (in a wet paper towel in a baggie).

About 1 month since germination.

I realized it was going to be a learning process for getting the temperature and humidity right in my tent. It sits on a concrete floor in a room with no HVAC.

At this point I had my lights turned way down and did 16 hours on and 8 hours off each day.

I needed to figure out what soil and nutrients I was gona use in my fabric pots and get the babies moved over. My local grow store was out of the soil I had picked out so I got “Roots Organics Original Potting Soil - ready-to-use coco fiber-based potting soil” based on their recommendation. It has bat guano, premium earth worm castings, fish bone meal, feather meal, green sand, mycorrihzae, glacial rock dust, soybean meal, humic acid,etc.

For better or worse I decided to skip adding nutrients at this point and let the soil do the work for a bit. I figured I would get something decided soon. My tap water is hard and high PH so I was letting it sit out for 24 hours and it would go down an entire point in PH but I bet I wasn’t doing the best for my plants.

About 45 days since germination started.

Just 4 days later and they are bulking up.

Around 50 days since germination started.

I decided on some nutrients. I had gotten a gift card to the hydro store for my bday and decided to use it for nutrients. Boy are they expensive. I went with Sensi Grow and Sensi Bloom, a two part system. Supposedly it will balance the PH so I went with it.

After a week of watering with Sensi and did a week of just plain water, then back to sensi.

About 6 days later. Still haven’t topped or cut anything.

This is the largest plant of the three and I am trying to decide where to top.

I eventually topped the two largest plants and let the runt go naturally.

Two got cut.

Here we are at 75 days since germination started. Current as of a few days ago. Over the last couple weeks I removed some large fan leaves that has some damage from when I was under-watering and crispified some then grabbed em. I am pretty sure I should remove some more so the other possible bud sites can get more light but I don’t want to take too much. Still having trouble getting the temp and humidity to stay where I want it. It’s a lot of highs and lows as I adjust. Thinking of trying the wet towel method and leaving my exhaust fan on low at all times.


The temps and humidity swing wildly in my tent. Last night temp 18C. Today temp 28C.

Humidity is currently low because of winter but that will change come spring. Don’t sweat a few degrees as long as you’re in a reasonable range.


Seconding what foreigner said, as long as your temperature & humidity are swinging within a reasonable range, you’re good. I would argue that’s better than having static values anyways. Getting ready to flower these? Looks good


Looking great @Greenup ! I’m pulling up a chair! peace- djsf


Looking good buddy! It’s badass you started a log! I need to do that for better accounting of my plants. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

My bama Nana isn’t looking that good. Nice work!

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I am on day 72 on mine, I know what you mean even here in Arizona; the humidity is what I am have trouble keeping up, it hovering around 27 to 30.


Welcome back to @Greenup. Glad to follow along

:green_heart: :seedling:

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We are at day 94 since they went into a wet paper towel and 84 days since they were lil babies. 17 Days since I updated you! Things are still plugging along. I realized my MarsHyrdo TS1000 was still at 75% and just cranked it to 100% yesterday. Whoops. I am thinking these aren’t going to get much bigger. Not sure if its the pot size, the strain, the light, or the water that kept these pretty small. I am getting better at judging how much water they need. I am doing nutrients every other week (roughly). Ordered some PH up and down, thinking I will give that a try on the waterings with out nutrients.

I started a 5 seeds (Kush and Ancestral Skunk) in a second even smaller tent with its own TS1000. All have sprouted but one of the 2 Kush had helmet head and I think I killed it removing the husk. Live and learn, luckily I got a good amount of the Kush from a kind overgrower and I am getting some clones from another OGer later this month. Gona need a third and fourth tent before I know it. I will start a new thread once I get 10-20 days of photos for the second grow.

Any way, here is what you came for, more photos. Time to start flowering I think. Should I strip the bottoms first? I think one I will leave pretty natural but I was thinking of stripping the lowers on the other two. This is all a learning experience so I am trying different things.


hi, in the last post it looked healthy. Do you know the pH and ec values ​​of the water you use? If it’s not overflowing, I’d guess the nutrient deficiency.

…but, they are not healthy for a period change. If you have a place, I would wait

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My tap water has a PH of like 8 - 8.5. If I let it sit out in an open container for 24 hours it goes down to about 7-7.5. I got some PH up and PH down and did some testing last night. With a few drops of PH down it went down to 6-6.5. I am thinking that treating the tap water and nutrient water (if needed) will improve my grow. The nutrients are supposed to balance the PH of the water so i will test that first before using the ph up/down on the nutrient water but I am pretty sure I am going to want to use it on the plain waterings.


Looks to me like a phosphorus deficiency going on, they hungry!


ok so adjust the ph and feed them, it will definitely improve
Maybe you will help this pic.

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The plants are looking healthier now and 3 weeks into flower. Below are some photos I took after the last post up until today. The back plant looks totally different than the other two but all supposedly from the same strain. I never topped the back one but otherwise it had all the same care given. Everything is so tight together on that back one I am not sure what is going to happen. I will take each plant out and photograph soon so you can see how different it is. Planning to do some light trimming today or tomorrow since I have hit the 3 weeks of flowering mark. The tallest of the plants keeps getting taller and I have the light about as far away as it can get.

3/19/2022 - 12 days into flower

15 days into flower - some drastic height differences!

17 Days into flower

17 Days into flower

22 Days into flower

22 Days into flower

22 Days into flower

23 Days into flower

23 Days into flower - the ugly mutant I never topped and looks totally different than the other two. tons of bud sites right up next to the main stalk. I will get some more photos of the whole plant soon. It shows lots of issues in the fan leaves. Curled, discolored, etc. But it still seems healthy and chugging along.


At this point in flowing should I have my fan above or below the canopy?

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hi, the fan should flow over and to the tops. girls look great, good job. The last photo seems to be too close to the light.

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The thing about that last photo… That plant has always been furthest from the light because it’s the shortest. It looks totally different and sorta deformed. Hoping to get some photos of it out of the tent tomorrow to show ya what I mean.

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Very cool! I’m running this cultivar this year too, although the seedling I started of it just wouldn’t take and root so gonna have to try throwing another one! Looking through ur pics it never really seemed like u got over the deficiencies/lock out problems completely, couldn’t help but notice a decline in the health of those plants with the posts following the sensi purchases, they were nice and green and your postings after a week start to show a lot of curling and yellowing and each update appears a continued decline, looks like they flower stretched ok but still concerned with the colors of your leaves having super dark veins and lighter around it and yellow tips. Prob one good thing to mention that others haven’t, using nutes like that is very easy to have salt buildup in the soil which could be a huge factor here imo. The soil your using is aimed in a very organic direction throwing salt nutes at it and looking through the timeline that would be a educated guess from what I’m seeing. If it were me I would have been giving them a nice flush before that flower flip then back on their suggested feeding schedule, still may be something worth considering


You are correct Az, I measured the nutes incorrectly one time and they got a massive dose. I then flushed with water for almost 2 weeks. Now I will be giving half the rec on all nutes in the future. I accidently gave them a triple dose on one feeding, just glad they are still alive. Don’t blame the sensi nutes, it was 100% my screw up with measuring them. Live and learn… This has been quite the learning experience. I also had to leave town for 5 days and now all my clones look like they’re probably going to die. If I’m lucky a couple will make it. But I already have five seedlings that are healthy and looking great for the next grow.


So when I suggest a flush,it’s all in one day and it’s usually just taking that plant outside and watering the hell out of it, soak it down filling up the pot encouraging as much run off as possible, leave it for 10 min for the salts to break down and dissolve and blast it again, 2-3 times of doing that, leave for a couple days while then plant gets it’s grip again then back on it’s normal feed schedule, that’s how u get back on track. If u have just been doing water only for 2 weeks you really haven’t got the salts out of that medium


Thank you for clarifying Az, I will give that a try. One more question. Once I flush it properly, would it be ok to feed with the proper amount of bloom nutes? Maybe every other watering or so?

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