Bama' Nana Pudding - first grow in 20 years

Absolutely, follow the recommended dosage and frequency or start with half dose first to see how plants respond, some are light feeders and some are heavy. But def wanna give plant a couple days after a flush to let soil dry a lil and get over it’s flush shock. Pretty much just getting anything residual out of your medium so u can have more control on knowing what’s going back in it


Next time you grab nutes. Grab the COCO version, these ones don’t have the extra cal mag added specifically for coco. I learned this the hard way along while back. I personally think AN is awesome but man are they expensive. They have 2 products I cannot live without though. Looking good so far my friend. Here’s hoping everything turns out awesome!


I re-did the whole grow setup. Removed the smallest tent and added a 2x4. The 3 flowering ladies are now in the 2x4 so they have a bit more room. Had to pull the two tallest branches to the sides to try and keep them from the light. This new tent is way wider but not quite as tall. Probably going to move the drivers outside the tent to get a couple more inches. 2x4 now has two mars hydro ts1000 (one old model one new annoyingly). My veg tent currently has a new to me “Phlizon Linear Series PH-1000” that I got for $40 open box but appears new. Is this crap? I was vegging with a mars hydro ts1000 but using both of them in flower tent now.

Mostly things look good. The plant on the far right in the first photo is the weird mutated one I have been talking about. Looks totally different than the other two. Remember I gave a monster dose of nutrients during mid veg that might have been the cause but the other two didn’t react the same way. The far right one has so much growth right next to other growth and it shot out so many more branches. I worry that things are so close together i will have problems. I cut off a ton more fan leaves today to create some air flow but all the branches are going straight up so its tough. Also all the buds are coming right out of the large fan leaves or it just appears that way cause everything is so close.

All the following are of the mutant. Would love to know about why this happened. Was it all because of the monster dose of nutrients? Is it genetic? Why didn’t the other two do the same thing.

Notice all the leaves tend to point up and are bunched up together a lot. I have cut so many off but it hardly seems like I have removed anything when i step back. Things are really close together on the top.

Trying to show the top is tough but its a mess.

Here is the bottom of the mutant. it came out of the ground crooked. All the places where branches are coming out have way fatter bulges at the main stem then the other plants. Everything grew straight up. I didn’t top this one ever but I did the other two.

Another photo trying to show the cluster F on the top.


I rarely do this but when I do I do it in the tub.

My tapwater is 7.0 It’s a hard reset.

I am planning to flush the mutant in the tub soon as its dry and ready for water. Yeah my water is very hard as well


This works well for me because the pH of my medium is quite low. YMMV

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Been a while since I updated. Things are still rolling decently well. I have lots of questions. I would love to hear other peoples thoughts on how the flowering stage is looking. I changed the light cycle to 12/12 on 3/7/2022 so its been 40 days since that change, photos below are all around 4-5 days ago. As of today the tallest of the three plants has some of its very top cola hairs darkening but the other two still have all white hairs (not shown in photos). I am hoping I am still many weeks from harvest since I want them to stack up and be much larger! I am guessing I still have 3-4 more weeks of flower. Is it typical to harvest plants as the become ready? Even though these were all treated the same and are the same strain it appears some are further along than others. I have continued to use sensi bloom nutes at half the rec on the bottle. Not sure how much longer to be using nutes. I am thinking 2 more weeks? As I understand I want to stop using nutrients in the last couple weeks.

Also I think I have a very mild (right now) thrip issue the next grows veg tent. I have sprayed for a few days with soapy water on both sides of leaves and gotten a sticky trap set up. Over 10 days the sticky trap has only caught 3 adult thrips (i assume they are thrips). I also got some spinosad spray but haven’t used it yet. I would love to hear tips and opinions on using it preventatively and when thrips are present. I haven’t noticed them in the flowering tent but they share a room and would easily transfer from tent to tent. Curious if people just spray spinosad on the top and bottom of leaves or if they also spray the top of the soil or flowers. Spraying anything on flowers sounds like a terrible idea but thought I would check with the experts.

The following photos are from april 15-16

My tallest plant popped out some almost ball sack looking pods and they have already opened up (see photo below). I hate to ask, but can someone explain/name this part? Hoping it doesn’t mean it hermed out and now I have pollen floating all over my flowering tent.


Looks like a herm nana to me, u got a couple options. U can huck the whole grow, or go out there with tweezers and pluck all those off then I would def take a spray bottle of just plain water and saturate the plant to neutralize any more pollen that hasn’t finished it’s pollenation and make sure u got good airflow to let things dry back out. I wouldn’t huck all that work either just be tweezering it. That truely sux though, I’m growing it this season too so will def have to be watching for balls as well


No way am I trashing the grow! Is the worst thing to happen going to be lower quality flowers and maybe some seeds? I can deal with that if the alternative is trashing them. Is the main reason to remove them to prevent pollination? cause it looks like they have all already busted open. This is heart breaking but the whole thing is a learning process.


Worst case scenario you can always make hash or edibles.

Even if your seeds all came from the same pack there is a very good chance they will mature at different rates.


Don’t blame u one bit, I wouldn’t either coming that far.

Yes the potency is gonna suffer cuz once a plant starts focusing on seed production it backs off on trichome and resin production so yes worst case u got seeded weed that isn’t as strong as possible with given genetics. Seeds will all be fem but obviously concerns of herms in the genes so if ur gonna offer those seeds at least do the right thing and warn the recipients it’s possible to throw balls so watch close.

Yes removing them in larger scale grows can sometimes be the lesser evil as to protect the rest of the grow from ending up seeded and doesn’t look like ur in a commercial facility so I’d be doing the same going out daily with tweezers. Some may opened up but I guarantee there’s still more to come so just daily look overs is gonna be ur best bet. Wish u the best of luck with this project and crossing my fingers I’m not standing in those shoes come august when things start to flower for my bama nana


Either I am not seeing any that are closed still or I don’t know what I am looking for. But I have my tweezers ready and I will be on the lookout. I will go ahead and pull the opened ones I suppose.


Spray bottle it down before u agitate that way ur not sending pollen worse, wet pollen is neutralized pollen. But I’d get em out of there if u can, ur either looking for typical male balls along the stem or yellow banana looking things in the buds.


That’s not the case if it hermed naturally… unless it’s rodelization, which only happens once the plant’s gone into senescence and is near death. Other than rodelization, the only way to get feminized seeds is a chemical reversal with silver.

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Ok, then please tell me where the y chromosome came from that would result in the seeds being xy (male) when all that is present is xx(female)?

That’s the whole point of reversing a plant is forcing intersex to create xx seeds since no male was present, u can manually do that with cs and sts or a plant can do it on its own with certain triggers or genetics that say to grow this way.

But the science is clear, if there is no y chromosome present then the pollen isnt gonna magically have it to end up in the resulting seeds

To many of y’all misunderstood rodelization, it’s a natural plant trigger that the plant has decided for whatever reason that since it has not produced any seeds from male pollen around it has decided it has to do it itself to preserve itself. Ideal pollenation day is the 18th day of flower, so some cultivars if no pollen is recieved after a month can resort to that which we just view as herms when really it’s the plant saying i got a month left of my cycle this is my last chance. Other strains just aren’t as prone to early rodelization and really need to push em way past harvest in some cases, we’re all chasing traits when breeding and herming or early rodelization is what we try to breed away from unless manually with silver

Even pissing off plants with effed up conditions and light leaks during dark hours can trigger the Hermie trait cuz the plant is uncertain how much longer it has to finish it’s cycle with the inconsistencies in it’s environment and is trying to preserve itself as fast as it can, but even still those seeds are also gonna be fem seeds cuz again no male pollen was present to provide that y chromosome.

If u got a male out of a fem pack it’s likely it was the result of stray male pollen that somehow made it’s ways to that flower


I just finished up a rather big bowl of Gorilla Bubble, so I’m a little lost on the scientific explanations front myself right now… I’ve been corrected on this one myself before, though. @ReikoX, you wanna field this one?


Ya I’m curious what he has to say on the matter about a male popping up… When they do all that gender testing at a week or two it’s strictly looking for that y chromosome. Females just don’t carry it even if they go intersex


Indeed, even a female with intersex tendencies can only give an x chomosome. Some will likely also show intersex which may be mistaken for a true male, but I guarantee if you genetically tested it, there will only be two x chromosomes.


Ok, I was just confused the first time around then, clearly. :slight_smile: Glad to get it cleared up… so if I’ve grown out a seed that was supposed to be from a female x female herm cross, and it ended up only throwing male flowers, I was either missing the very few pistils that were also there or it was mislabeled/stray pollen? That, or the guy who sent them was just lying to me; he’s since been banned for a sock puppet that he told people was his girlfriend, so there’s a reasonable possibility of that too. :stuck_out_tongue:


Mislabeled and stray pollen seems like the only logical explanation. Especially if it’s majority of the plant, i had a bad intersex la confidential and it was mostly female everywhere but couple branches of pollen sacks and balls everywhere in the buds, worst specimen I’ve seen to this day. Some ppl will claim fem with their seeds to get a higher price out of em or try to use it as more pull in trades or generally get interest for the ones that don’t wanna deal with males. I bought a few different cultivars off OfferUp last year the guy crossed grease monkey, sfv, and a couple others with lemon og. He popped 2 seeds and got ladies from the offspring and was claiming the seeds were fem, asked him what his fem method was whether sts or Cs and he had no clue what i was talking about and prying harder got it out of him that the lemon og was a male and he thought since the ones he popped were ladies that they all were. But puts it in the buyers heads it was fem and a sure thing, later had trouble with germ with em anyways and just chaulked it up to a bad deal wasting 40 bucks 🤷

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