Bama' Nana Pudding - first grow in 20 years

As I understand it the leaves may yellow as the plant finishes flowering and uses up everything in the plant to make buds. Looking for some expert opinions. Here is what she looked like on Thursday at 10am. I will post a pic from this morning (4 days later) once they perk up from a watering. The leaves are looking pretty sad today and I am worried it has some sort of fungal infection. So close to being harvestable, but more learning experiences I suppose.


Ok things are looking bad to my untrained eye. Two of the plants are still looking decent but the one in the middle is not only yellowing, its turning brown. Like when I search medical symptoms on google… everything seems possible from my research. Under-watering, overwatering, pests, lights too close, diseases, nutrients etc. In case it matters this middle plant is right between two lights that are only inches from each other, maybe it’s getting more light than the other two plants cause its directly in the path of two? Doubtful but thought I would throw that out there. Unfortunately it seems most like a disease or nutrient problems from what I find by googling. However, these plants have been through some shit since I am still learning and have made known mistakes. Trying to find my jewelers loupe to check trichomes but haven’t had any luck yet. It seems like the middle plant is getting close to harvest time but definitely not sure, could be weeks left but the plant is starting to look pretty crappy.

Would it be a good idea to flush at least the middle plant? I am guessing it has a bunch of stuff built up in the soil from mistakes I have made. Since a lot of folks flush the last couple weeks of flower anyway maybe this is a dual purpose flush? I was planning to put the plant in the bathtub and fill it with tap water until its running out the bottom. How many times do I need to do this?


It’s quite possible the two overlapping lights are causing an issue. When I made a PAR map of my new grow space, I ended up turning down the middle lights because of overlap to male my PAR more even across the canopy.

Is this a new setup with the two lights?


Yes, my plants out grew the first tent with one light so I moved them to a longer tent with two of the same light. Both are Mars hydro ts1000. They have been in this setup though for like 7+ weeks. Only started noticing the yellowing 5 days ago and the Browning within the last 48 hours.

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It could just be natural senescence, how far along are they again? Are they all clones or different plants? You may just have to ride it out.


That’s my guess too, looks like it’s finishing up/fading. The lowers and bigger fan leaves are getting sapped up, the tops don’t look cooked either. I could be wrong though


It has been 50 days since I switched to 12/12 light. They are all three from seed but are supposedly the same strain.

Thanks buddy, I think I have to ride it out but I am trying to learn as much as possible as I have grows 2 and 3 in the works already.


I tried using a jeweler’s loupe, multiple phones and apps. Just can’t get a good photo of trichs. I have a USB magnifying glass at my shop I am gona grab tonight. But I think at least the middle plant is ready or very close to harvest. If I zoom in on these I can see some amber (or my mind is playing tricks on me). What do you think? I will post microscope pics later if i can remember to grab it.


Is this one ready? Or give it another week lol


I’d wait a bit maybe. But that’s just my opinion.

I always go by, when you think it’s ready, wait another week. :wink:


I’d give them a bit more imo. Also I don’t really see anything wrong it truly looks like natural senescence and her doing her thing as she begins to degrade. Even the brown. Imo all is well until you finish, straight water 100% maybe a lil flushing agent . It’s the leaving it alone, trusting that it’s fine I find is the hardest part for most people lol. And I totally get it, I’ve been doing this a long time and maybe 5-6 years ago finally I decided to start leaving it much more and it’s surprising how many issues will be self corrected by the plant itself or the environment. This wonderful blessing never ceases to amaze me, truly


I still haven’t harvested because so many people have suggested I wait. It has been 66 days(about 9.5 weeks) since I flipped to 12/12. Notes I found on this strain were 8-10 weeks of flowering. Unfortunately I did not note when I first saw flowers and I understand the flowering times from breeder can’t always be followed. I need to harvest soon to readjust and clean everything for the next batch that needs to go into flower. Trying to hold out as long as I can but the veg tent is exploding.


Let her go 10 weeks and call it a day :+1::fire:


2 weeks since i updated! I have harvested, dried, and trimmed (most of it). I am now trying my hand at the curing process. I have some in a 1 gallon glass jar with boveda pack, some in small jars with boveda, and the rest in Grove bags with no boveda. Stored them in plant specific containers since all three were pretty different.

The one plant I didn’t clone was the absolute best of the 3, of course. It was way more dense and gassy smelling than the other two.

Total harvest was over 8 ounces for the three plants.I haven’t weighed out the small or larfy stuff separately but there was less than I expected. I jarred the really larfy pieces together to be used for butter or something.

I haven’t smoked much of it yet, since it’s still curing but so far I am quite impressed with how it turned out despite the many mistakes and 6 month timeline.

Two of the three plants right before chop. Mutant not shown.

Hanging to dry. Did I leave too many leaves on? It took around 1 week to dry and surprisingly stayed the perfect conditions with little interaction from me.

The untrimmed harvest. This isn’t all of it as I realized there was another container full that didn’t get in the photo.

I will get together the best buds from each plant and try and get good photos. But here are some i snapped quickly with my phone while trimming. The mutant plant has the best quality and most dense so i will try and get some good photos of that specifically.

Don’t make fun of my trim job these were some of the last I trimmed and I was real tired of it.

Some early small stuff I pulled while trying to figure out if it was almost dry enough to jar.


I hope you are happy with your harvest!!!
You did a fine job!!. Your plants looked reasonably happy and healthy other than the one that hermed. Keep up the good work.
Looking forward to your next grow… get busy…, Haha!

Grace and Peace Brother,


Long and slow dry is the way for sure. Looks real good!

Curious as to where you got the strain? The name caught my eye :eye:


Heres where those seeds came from. Made from the Fofana variety. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Rhino_buddy is correct, that’s where I got em. I must say they are very good. Despite making lots of mistakes I like the end product. so far I found about 5 seeds out of an ounce or so that was made up of all three plants. now that it has cured for a bit the taste and smell are really nice. It’s a very smooth smoke. I can only imagine how it would be if I hadn’t made so many mistakes. I will note that 2 of the 3 plants did grow some balls on a few branches. not sure if that is genetics or my mistakes (i am guessing my fault). I have more seeds of this strain I plan to run in the future and hope to find one similar to the one I failed to clone this round. I do have some clones of these going now and game some clones to a buddy.

I am not sure that I get the banana flavor. It’s subtle in a good way. definitely sweet. One of the plants is also very dank. Bordering on skunky. As they cure the skunk funk is coming out.


Very happy with this grow despite everything. I learned so much! Good thing I didn’t scrap it cause it has produced some great smoke. It’s leagues better than anything I have gotten from the dispensary around me, but that’s not saying much. The dispo has more potent stuff but its old, dry, expensive, and tasteless. So nice to have more decent smoke than I know what to do with.