Banana Lavender MAC tester wanted!

That is one lovely lady (and the stud sounds interesting too).

What kind of temps did those hues pop under?

Won’t be able to signup over here btw… but I will definitely vouch for @LaughingMan as someone worth counting on if you end up not getting the feedback you need by then.

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The female throws color at 18c/64.4f nights and 22ish days


@ciganomarola this is here about 2.5 weeks in


Yeah, I can’t even hit those temps…lol but looks like you’ve got some testers with different environments and grow experience to run them for you!

Tag me in the journal, please. Would love to see what these are putting out.


She will still throw color in the 90s day and 80s night, temps don’t affect her color all that much


Congrats @Xianpreservation83 I think you’ve got some candidates… That was quick.

Still up for some trade?

Nice temps I like running lower temps as well you plan on stress testing? Man these plantS make want to run out grab another kit


I can look at plants all day long and never get tired of looking, especially these displayed here beautiful plants great job…


Just let us know!

Hey there, How do I get in on these?

Packs and sticker paper is on the way, I have my sticker design, so by next week we should be all good to go.!


Sorry guys, my appartment ended up flooded out and I had to move so I got a little behind on things. But I’m finally ready to get things under way again now.


That sucks, sorry to hear it. I’m winding down my grow and will be seeding two tents soon (5x5 and 4x8). I can make some room if you’re interested in someone running it in hydro and letting an auto guy and less experienced guy have at it.

Here’s my current grow diary. It’s my first one, but will go into greater detail if I’m selected.


Alright goes, school and a move got me again, but I finally got packaging and ready to send some out.


Finally got everything straightened away, so who is ready to test right now?

Me me me!!! This would fit right into my going bananas grow, been popping seeds getting the grow going and would be an honor to have this in my garden this year!
Here’s my established log for it and would be posting updates so u would see it growing right away :slight_smile:

Got some white rhino and Jack herer I can offer in return from the community seed run I did

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Are you in Canada?

Did you do any topping training? Do you have a minimum for veg time? That’s such a bad ass looking mom, …man.

Sounds like an interesting cross to run. I would love to test some but I would not be able to pop tons of them at once, I keep plants small and in stasis until I put them into their final tent and I would hate to eat up a tester spot when you are only after 2 participants.

Love what ya got going on though, keep it up bud! :+1: