Bangladeshi Heirloom and Landrace Cannabis

I see a lot of discussion about Southeast Asian Sativas here, especially Thai and Vietnamese. But I haven’t heard much about Bangladeshi landrace cannabis. I’ve done quite a bit of research and I came across this interesting thread on IC, which references an Overgrow 1.0 thread by some one named Loader.

Is there any definitive consensus on what a Bangladeshi landrace is? Does it still exist there?


@Eudaemon check out some of the strains offered by Indian Landrace Exchange.

I am currently growing one of their Orissa Gold and Sheelawathi which I think would both be considered Bangladeshi Heirlooms.


Hey @Comacus I can’t find a sales area in there , it looks like a hell of a resource :+1:


They just partnered with, and have a bunch of their stuff listed there.

I’m really looking forward to flowering out the ones I have growing now!


Unless I am reading that wrong, it looks like each of those strains comes from India, too far inland from the border to be definitely described as Bangladesh. I am definitely looking for something distinctly unique from currently available strains, especially Indian strains. I’m curious about the regions of Bangladesh that might be still have a cannabis culture and agriculture that are uniquely their own.


Great discussion topic


Peace @Comacus I have been following them on IG for a little while now and was always wanting to know how to get their strains. Now I know. Thank U. Stay safe and grow hard✊🏿


At one time, the country was part of the Indian State of West Bengal, became EAST PAKISTAN upon partition (I was stationed in Peshawar, West Pakistan). You had W. Pakistan, India, E. Pakistan, becoming Bangladesh in the early 70’s I do believe. If correct, I would think ANY strains coming out of there certainly would have origins in EITHER Pakistan OR India. Hope that helps. ALL, stay safe and, indeed, be well.


Whoa, that’s incredibly helpful. It also doesn’t bode well for any search for cannabis that is distinctly Bangladeshi if there isn’t enough cultural and geographical difference from the neighboring countries. Just studying Bangladesh and it’s contextual location, it seemed exceedingly unlikely that there was cannabis distinct from Indian cannabis found on its East and west borders.


I don’t have any pure Bangladeshi strains yet. One from Burma and Bhutan which are close like the Orissa Gold. Bet they would be similar. I hope you find one!


Thanks! I’ll be going next year to look. I’ve got a list of areas and regions where cannabis is still cultivated on a scale large enough scale to potentially find something. There is also the ‘tri country’ part of the country where Burma, India and Bangladesh meet and a lot happens though I can imagine genetic lineage and place of origin would be even murkier in those border areas.


As mentioned, Bengal which is now half Bangladesh - was the most important region for legal ganja cultivation in the 1800s and it’s also where workers left for Mauritius and the Caribbean. The British were in the business of selling opium to the Chinese and profiting from the sale of ganja to the mainly lower cast workers domestically via licensing fees, and profited from the Indians abroad. The Jamaican strains of old look more like Bangladeshi sativas than anything else and that makes sense. Ganja from Bengal (now West Bengal and Bangladesh) was more than likely on the boats to the Caribbean to supply the workers there (until domestic cultivation in Jamaica took over).


Welcome to Overgrow. Thanks for that important chunk of info. I have been looking into Bengali cultivars, yet they sell out quick when they are made available.

IIRC there was some guy giving out seed of a strain he called Bangladeshi before Overgrow went down. He was very proud of it having almost no ceiling, low tolerance buildup and a knockout stone.
I never got to grow them tho, as I was very young at the time.
Would love to find a strain that fits that description…

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Id recomend hitting up A… from Real Seed Co.
He’s been in the game for decades and has many links to good sources.