Long live Cannabiogen! From Ghana, With Love

This last year, I managed to acquire 2 packs of cannabiogen’s Ghana line from two Spanish growshops. Pevgrow.com and Tucultivo.net

At this moment, I am looking to see if there are any growers with some experience that have the desire to preserve(repro) this African sativa line that can potentially go over 16 weeks.

Here is a description from seedsman:
Ghana regular is a limited edition West African with a very trippy yet social high. It is a tall plant with a long flowering period as might be expected of cannabis indigenous to equatorial regions. The taste is spicy with a hint of mint.

Some notes from icmag thread tied to Ghana line:

“…the terps are magnificent if you go for old skool type stuff. incense, burnt hair, spices that now to me epitomize Africa for some reason. the terps are wild, untamed, different. not like south American nor indonesia or Nepalese. a lot of the Africa strains have the woody, earthy, musky, hashy terps. not Ghana. totally different.

the Ghana smoke got a lot better for me after 5 mth. cure.

Ghana is dreamy, upbeat, euphoric.

CBG said Ghana tested high in THCV”

Anybody that’s interested, feel free to PM me.


If only. I pray they fall into worthy hands.


Back in December I tried popping my last Ghana beans for a repro. They were CBG stock, O.P.'ed by TTX/w89, R.I.P.
None of them made it.

@Upstate or @Roms
If you guys cant do it, I’ll make room.


I wish i had room. Booked til fall time unfortunately. Lots of preservation planned.
I also have a pack of Ghana from GN Collection @Wuachuma. Different one i think. I’d put that up for adoption too if there were interest in making more seed.
@US3RNAM3 They sound great!


Ya @US3RNAM3 big up CBG, Ghana is reputed to have the stronger weed in West Africa, Black/Red kind with early flowering compared to Gold/Green i think. Connection with Congo and South Africans’s Malawi/ Swazi possibility. (?)

Grown by Jrw,
Esbe’s line Jahwi’s Joy :

“I know of 4 strains from Ghana, Esbe’s Jahwi’s Joy, the Accra Skunk zamalito talks about, an unkown seedline a friend in London has that he obtained from a friend who went to Ghana and a cut (may exist in seed from too) that was grown by some rastas in Bradford back in the 90s that I nicknamed Black Star after the famous Ghana football team and cos it had almost black dark foliage. The London seedline produces plants that look very like traditional Jamaican sativas and I reckon it shares the same S. Indian background as Jamaican sats. The Black Star was a very narcotic smoke, the kind of weed that caused you to spend all afternoon staring into space nodding slowly to dub reggae, those rastas loved that cut and said they had had it for years”


Know anything about GN Collection Ghana? “Joys of Ghana” line?


I think original landrace thanks to Gypsy Nirvana then selected thanks to Esbe, :wink:

Might be Kaiki’s line for CBG is the same i don’t know ?


That would make sense since Esbe was on the Vibes Co forums.
I’ll hop on seedshare and ask. I would think Baldy would know.


Jahwi’s Joy

Probably also high in THCV.Little piece of scissor hash I smoked decreased the appetite, which is one of effects of THCV.


It seems there are multiple guardian angels watching over this landrace community, there’s a willing steward that has stepped forward for this season. Bless up ! If anybody sees this message and knows of sources for Cannabiogen’s older landrace stock - please don’t hesitate to shoot a quick msg. These lines must be saved for the next generation!!


Didn’t find much online, probably most are in private fridges. Rafa from cannabisonline still sells the durban: Cannabiogen seeds - #11 by CaptainNemo

Edit: also CSI humboldt has some repro of CBG strains

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Another one of Jawhi’s Joy


Kool to see this! I’ll be getting a pack soon too.