Barnicales how do you get rid of them?

Ok so I thought I would as if anyone has ever had a problem with these little buggers?

They look like walking powdery mildew I’ve been spraying with safers spinoside but just want to make sure I’m doing this organic…

Any suggestions other then cut off the affected portion of the plant and hope for the best?

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U got a picture. Not heard of barnicales on a cannabis bush before


These guys?

Or these maybe?


Neither sorry… I’ll take pics of them if they are still around tomorrow, just sprayed with a pump sprayer.


Something like?

Snow scale / cottony cushion scale. Remove the affected portions, if possible.


Mealy bugs. I don’t know about these.


If these are insect eggs, I would try Rosemary Oil.

Good luck bro.

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Kinda like the first one without the shell and more powdery

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I believe those to be scale bugs never treated for them on cannabis but have seen them on trees though!

Oops I made the comment of @DiggySoze pics sorry yup pics are helpful!


My container of sulfur says it treats scale. I haven’t used it for this purpose but I used it for mites.

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Here is the little buggers I’m talking about lol.