Dark bumps on stem, oozing

Anyone know what this is? Fungus?Eggs? Also really sticky in there, dripping sap. I dont see any bugs, other bug eggs, or damage to leaves, not even thrips as i would normally expect. Its only on one plant. Im in central Arizona.

The interior of these older reveged clones had a shit ton of suckers and secondary weak branches. Finally got to some overdue and relatively aggressive trim to hopefully force growth to the tops.

This one doesnt have it.


looks like european fruit lecanium (i think its common in some states north, but havent heard arizona) or some other scaled insect like saissetia oleae (something like the mexican black scale?)


Ya that’s a new one to arise and curious to what u figure out it is since I’m also an az grower, only issue I’ve had this year is caterpillars and it’s been minimal I just look over everything daily and pick em out and kill em

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Yikes! That’s a new one!

Thank you for pointing me in the right direction! This was a first for me. Definitely looks like scale in the google search, which one not sure. They come off pretty easily. Going to mix a batch of neem oil and safer soap, give a good spray at sundown.

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That is black scale if I have ever seen it.

Edit: Common as hell here in Florida


Neem and soap work? Flamethrower?


Neem oil works well, as does rubbing alcohol.


If you really wanted you can pick the scales off by hand. Just wash your hands off good after that so you do not spread and baby scales you can see with your eye. Easy parasite to get rid of.