Plant issue "barnacles"

plant is covered by them !!! took infested plant out --hope it didn’t affect the others - any ideas what to use ? going to clean grow room - but think they come from the soil – it’s a Malawi plant DAMM

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Most likely scale


they come from soil right not air born ? they are called barnacle scales - hope the other 2 aren’t infected - they look ok for now

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I’m not sure I just know what they are. Sorry I can’t be if more help. Good luck with your fight. I know someone else posted about them recently.

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Probably scale insects. Post some pics. Use alcohol wipes to get rid of em by hand. Disgusts any leaves that are just ridiculously infected.


You’re right, more info here … beer3|nullxnull


Gonna say some type of scale. But yes some pics would help.

Edit: If it is scale, neem oil works good for the most part. If it is a bad infestation you will need something stronger.


Had scale in the thread @George tagged. Soaked the plant down with safer soap and neem oil mix plucked off all the attached scale i could see (not a fun time) sprayed her down again a couple days later, then 2 days after that. Keeping her separated from the other plants. Still checking daily but so far so good. Probably use this girl for hash.

Never had or even heard of this before. Mine are outside, i checked the trees and other plants around and found nothing. I think mine came from a bag of cheap soil I used top off the pot with.


believe they came in with a plant that was outside. the soil used was from a previous grow - medium being stored out side till used 3 mos later. This seals it — use “new” soil with new grows to prevent any infestation. Going to throw the plant out - it’s was a Malawi - to cold to keep it out side being that it will grow into next year. Also if taking plant inside need to be quarrtine fro a few days Thanks all that gave me input (went to GrowWeedEasy for pictures of)


Same here - at first thought they were some kind of growth - never - ever seen these little “shits” before
Still after cleaning and new soil. But caught a few starting to spread; after a few weeks of cleaning the plant (hand stripping) problem solved. Now ! when ever growing will always check under the leaves and stalk.