Basic questions, bare with me!

Ok, the past version of me would hate seeds in any run. But the new version of me is wanting to experiment and play with genetics a bit. So… I’ve been reading what I can, googling even more, and I think I have some basics down. I do want to make my own seeds now, and keep certain traits…

So… For starters. I have 5 seeds left of feminized Black Cream autos. Planted two, and one is showing just how purple she can become. I’m super excited about the color right now, but I have seen they were out of stock at seedsman (where I got these), and I want more! So, I definitely want to breed these genetics into my experiment :smiley:

Next up, I have 4 seeds and a sprout of feminized Grandaddy Purple photos. Definitely want to bring this into the mix.

I guess the plan would be to get my little GDP sprout to mom size and make some clones.

Plant at least 2 more of the Black Creams, use colloidial silver to turn part of one male, and get them a private tent. Would that produce S1 seeds on the part male and F1 seeds on the female? I’d LOVE to make more seeds of this plant. And I wouldn’t mind keeping the auto gene for some seeds.

For the GDP clones, I know if use CS on one and turn part of it male, the resulting seeds would be S1, correct? And should be the same as the mom, right? If I pollinated a GDP clone with the pollen from the Black Cream, I believe I’ll get a mix of photos and autos based on the punnet square, but how do I know whats a dominant or recessive gene at this point? I’d LOVE to bring some of this purple to the GDPs, or bring the taste of the GDPs to the Black Creams, and I definitely want to make auto seeds with some.

In a nutshell…

Fem Black Cream auto (from seed) x Fem Black Cream auto (from seed) (treated with CS) will make F1? and not S1? and they should be identical to my initial seeds?

Fem Black Cream Auto pollen (from above) x Fem GDP (photo) clone will make something new, mix of photos and autos, correct?

Fem GDP Clone x Fem GDP Clone (treated with CS) will produce S1, identical to mom?

Sorry if the questions are rudimentary, trying to wrap my head around genetics isn’t easy!


If they are different plants, then you will get F2s. Those will likely have more variation than the original F1s you bought, not identical.

Yes, these would be heterozygous for the autoflowering allele. These are also called “fast” or “super autos”. I hate the latter terminology.

Yes these will be S1. However, S1s are not identical to the mom.


I see your question has been answered but I wanted to add something.
Breeding with Fem seeds is a sure path to hermy plants.
Using autos to start breeding can be very challenging to start with.
I use regular seeds from good breeders I know and trust because genetics matter. Big time. But I plant at least a hundred (if too many at least a dozen) of the same strain and weed out the pigmy’s and runts. Separate the boys from the girls. Then I start growing out the mamas and the papas. Then yo can proceed however you wish. But using strong regular genetics will be a great head start. Plus that’s the only way to get your males. Good luck. I hope his was helpful.


Good advice… I wish I could find this Black Cream in a regular, but only have seen it as auto / fem, hence my curiousity… I definitely want to make more seeds of this little lady!

I do have a number of fem seeds, guess I will keep them for moms and clones and not play with breeding them. I also won a nice lot of seeds from the server raffle, and most are not fem (only two are out of ten, IIRC) and none are autos. And there’s some interesting strains to play with. For the first time in my life I am actually not gonna be hateful of a male plant in any of those seeds ROFL…

Not looking to breed any cup winners just yet, LOL, but autos didn’t exist the last time I grew, (neither did feminized seeds come to think of it!) and they definitely intrigue me now, and this black cream’s color on an auto, yeah, that would prompt me to learn how to make more!

I’ve done a fair bit of reading on CS and STS for converting plants to “male” and for selfing plants, I honestly may just play with that. Success rates vary for sure, but at least I know going into it that I have some herme possibilities. I need to read a bit more, there’s so many other things I am curious about but still want to research more before I ask more questions. (and this thread has given me more to think about as well).

Are there issues breeding my feminized GDP with a natural male from the raffle seeds? Or is it just breeding feminized x feminized converted with CS or STS? There’s a few regulars in the seeds I received, if any turn to be male I will be keeping em separate and collecting pollen for sure! (another thing on the learning list, collecting / saving pollen).

As for being able to breed properly with 100, or even a dozen, maybe eventually, but don’t have that kind of space at the moment :frowning: Right now, I’m in breeders kindergarten LOL, just playing, and learning… Maybe some day I can develop a solid strain of my own, but I’m not looking to do it right now :smiley: Just wanna make more black cream beans (if it wasn’t an auto, I would just flower / harvest / reveg and mother her and clone the hell out of her).


Sounds like you are motivated. That a great start. I am not too sure about Autos and breeding. So I’m not sure about breeding a regular and an auto. Seems wrong. Ill be honest about that up front. But I do know that I have been able to produce better genetics and bigger yields with regular seeds. Id be happy to ask around about your black cream. what were the parents again? If you can, Send me a message with any details and I will check with a few people I trust.


It’s threads like this, is why I love OG so much. Just saying.


Isn’t that the point of this site though? :smiley: Learn and share knowledge?

LOL, thats how autos came to be though with lowryder LOL But my GDP is just a feminized photo. Based on what I have read on Punnet squares, breeding a photo and an auto would produce all photo seeds that carry the gene. I would have to breed those offspring then, and 25% of those seeds should then be autos (but which 25% lol) Breeding two of those autos (in that 25%) will then stabilize the auto gene from what I understand so far.

On the Black Cream - “Black Cream Auto is a cross of the well-known and much-loved Cream caramel strain with a purple auto strain which traces its heritage back to Pakistani Kush plants.” from the listing on seedsman : Black Cream Auto Feminised Seeds from Sweet Seeds at Seedsman.

I did get Purple Malawi in the raffle pack… Regular photos at that. Cross a male photo malawi with a fem auto black cream. then breed out to stabilize the auto gene. Mad scientist at work here hehehe.

Ya know, I went to school for business administration, not science!


Yep you nailed that one, good job. Nothing wrong with doing a little pollen chucking and making yourself some more auto seeds. :+1::seedling:


lol, Yeah, it used to be! :joy: Nice project @Nagel420! Maybe some of the others will take notice and try growing again! Best vibes! peace