Semi Auto and is it a thing? 🤔

Is it possible to make semi-auto plants by crossing a autoflowering plant with a regular flowering plant? (If I’m even phrasing it correctly) would the seeds be 50/50 auto/reg? how would that work?

100% would be what is called a fast finish photo. Should finish about 2 weeks faster that the photo parent.

They genetically will all be Pp heterozygotes.

Unless the “photo” parent is already a fast finish Pp. In which case 1/2 would be fast finish, and 1/2 would be auto. But this is an unlikely scenario.



There is no such thing as a semi auto plant. It’s either an auto or photo. Semi auto is a term created by those who bred auto’s with photos but have not bred them enough to stabilize the ruderals trait.


So what @Dirtron said was inaccurate?

Let me explain this with pics cuz we all love great representations and feel this is great knowledge to continue to share so here goes…

A photoperiod is gonna be AA and autoflower is aa, anytime u see Aa that means a faster finishing photoperiod since the photo trait is always dominant and auto being recessive


So first cross with a full auto would give you all fast finishing photos, cross any of those fast finishing photos together and you get…

This gives you 25%photo, 25%auto and 50% fast finish

Find the 25%autos and cross em and you have an isolated auto gene

Now if u took that isolated autoflower and cross it with a fast finish photo that would give you the half and half photo and auto

Same goes for the other way to though if u cross a fast finish photo with a true photo ur gonna get half and half of fast finish photo and photo

This is great info because you can in fact take a good photo and auto cross em together and take either direction with em following these charts if you want the final work to be auto or photo, my concern is if seed banks are unleashing fast finishing seeds carrying the gene and people end up with autos trying to do random breeding


Hey man, to answer your question . they will be photo dependent mutts but could be okay plants. Those those plants go to make seed 25% will be autos again. Try reading this to help with the theory…Mendelian Genetics - Genetics Generation Personally I would not bother unless you are trying to make an photo into an auto because the rest of the line is going to be wonky for at least 2 but probably like 5 or 6 generations if you can’t figure out the geneotypes accurately. All the breeders here are genetics nerds so googling jargon might be your best bet long term.



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Very nice write up, plus Punnetts! Thanks


Sheesh! …so I’d have to figure out which male and female out of the brood are autos, isolate them and then bam I got my auto strain, right?..okay so say I was doing the “PoE” right? I’m thinking if I leave the light schedule on veg-time the autos will reveal themselves despite the the lights being in veg-time, right? Wait. Did I just solve my own shit?!..I’m confused.


I would not say inaccurate, more just terminology. Fast finisher I would say is more accurate than semi auto. @AzSeaindooin420 gave a great explanation.


I don’t know about breeding, but the few fast photos I’ve grown were unimpressive.


Well that doesn’t sound promising

If your running lights anything north of 16hours a day and it starts to flower after a month it’s def an auto


Okay, I’m getting the picture now, the more I wrap my brain around it the less difficult it seems…I’m going to try this. I’m a sucker for challenges.


That’s why people stress the importance of if your gonna work a line to fully work it, fast finishing is tricky cuz ur looking for the ones that initiate bud development and finish faster than the rest while also looking for the dominate parent in the batch that shows the better traits your after, autos are def tricky for sure, breeding auto to auto is a lot easier to not have to hunt down the trait but the quality and potency usually starts with a gnarly potent photoperiod grandparent

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Ya sorry I had to keep editing as I go so I didn’t lose any of the work and to know which pics I was posting so it’s def all updated now in case you guys missed anything

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Hm…so in a way, doing this I’d have to keep an eye out for the “fast starters” right?..i mean depending on perspective. I would want to isolate the ones that revealed themselves the earliest.

Not starter from seed but when they flip to flower by changing light schedule they will typically form bud sites faster in those first few weeks

So if a strain is normally a 12 week flower cycle it could shave it down to 9 week for example

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I’ve always been under the understanding semi auto refers to sensitive strains, that will flip when on anything less than 18-20h light?

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