Making Feminised Seeds

Hi guys, I’m curious about the difference, if any, in feminised seeds produced by pollination with pollen produced by a female stressed chemically as opposed to naturally, in this case heat and drought stress.
All info or ideas on this would be great👍


I don’t think there would be any difference at all as far as the seed quality, but I do think that the chemical stressor would make more staminate flowers and be more of a sure bet than natural stress….that may be a little hit and miss imo :sunglasses:


The argument behind the two is chemical is less prone to herms in the offspring whereas stressing a plant out can have simple stressors throwing up balls in the offspring. Some breeders are very adamant about putting a plant through an absolute hell and fucked up conditions making sure no matter what it don’t produce pollen sacks then that’s the plant they will use for sts or cs


That’s a good question, I have used colloidal silver (homemade and store bought), most recently I used a product called canna-fem with good results but to be honest I have always been skeptical of popping a seed made from the pollenation of a hermi.

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I would only use seeds that where from a reversed female used on itself or to another female. Being because if you use a seed from a herm you are inevitably passing a herm trait down to Amy fem offspring.


The pollen is not produced because the female treated with silver is stressed. It’s produced because silver blocks ethylene production, leaving the plants unable to produce female flowers. It’s genetically programmed to flower, so it produces male flowers instead.


Hey @Jango .
Roderalization (seeds produced by naturally occurring inter sex traits, brought on by stressers) was made popular by Soma around the turn of the century. This turn out to be not such a good thing as successive generations produce females, but they tended to be prone to inter sex traits. The hermi apple doesn’t fall far from the hermi tree, as they say. Good for growing maybe but not good for making more seeds.
Properly stress tested females, that don’t naturally herm are good candidates for silver reversals and the seeds are much more likely to be sexually stable and will pass that trait to future generations.


Thanks guys, I’ve got two plants from seeds made by roderalization and they’re great looking females, grown more as an experiment to test the viability of the seeds.
So I guess I’ll have to keep an eye out for anthers, they’re in week two of flower so we’ll soon see.

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Also can plants from feminised seeds from a vendor be chemically treated or do they have to be a true female for breeding?

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If the breeder (or pollen-chucker, perhaps) you’re buying from is selling feminized seeds from rodelization or hermed plants, they’ll probably be more likely to pass on the herm tendencies. If you’re buying feminized seeds made by reversing females with silver, they should be fine; depends on the breeder, obviously, and the strain. If you’re reversing GG4 or GSC, don’t be surprised to find it herming no matter who you’ve bought it from. :wink:


Like @Cormoran mentioned, they are two very different techniques doing two different things. In the beginning of the feminized seed craze, everyone was doing the rodelization method and that started spreading unwanted hermaphroditic traits through the industry. Gave feminized seeds a bad name but once people added some science to the topic, found that silver sprays can do the same act without perpetuating the hermaphroditic traits. (Assuming the starting material is stable)


Thanks Cormoran, its all these bits of info I need to complete the picture, so if I get seed bank fems I can use those for making pollen?


@Jango you can find any stable, winning female and create feminized seeds from her with the help of colloidal silver or silver thiosulfate. Doesn’t need to come from a fem seed pack


Probably… I don’t know all the seedbanks and all the breeders. :slight_smile: If it’s a true female that doesn’t herm on its own or from normal stressors, it should be fine, though some lines have deeply-buried recessive traits that might come out regardless. Like I said, don’t be surprised if your GG4 or GSC crosses have herm traits… or their crosses, or their crosses, etc. Not much more you can do than stress test and hope.


Thanks DonGnosis, the pictures getting clearer now, its just that I have a few of these seeds that are fems but not stable it seems.


What are you noticing that’s giving you the idea they aren’t stable?


Nothing mate they look awesome its just that I read somewhere that a herm produces herm seeds and I’ve got them in with some fems from a bank. I check them out daily.

Grow em out, look for banana’s near the end of the crop, pollen sacs when your flowering. If you don’t notice any of that then you should be good to atleast try and create some s1’s.

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Ok great thats what I was hoping to do if they’re any good. The two I’ve got growing in two gal. plastic pots and if they finish with no male traits I give some more a go in five gal. fabric pots. The beans are about three years old and they germinated and grew vigorously, thats why I gave them a go, and curiosity. They’re growing way better than the parents did outside.


So, say I reverse a prized female pheno and pollinate it with itself. Is it more likely that the seeds carry the traits of that specific pheno?

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