Beans for everyone (Part 1)

Hell I’d need the guy from Canadian Tire to come home with me to carry it in the house.


@LoveDaAutos Hey did you see my message? Wanted to make sure you got my addy. I was confused when you said I hadn’t sent it lol


Was wondering if you got my message with my addy?

@Vomact . @A-Loc , in the mail.


@dingys I need a safe address to send your winnings.

I’ll be hitting post office tomorrow, would like to wrap up the 420 giveaways.



Awesome man thanks again. I’m new to the auto world and was looking into these and they seem like a great place to start :call_me_hand::v:

Nice, maybe you’ll treat us all to a journal so we can see how they do for you.

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I mailed the giveaway seeds to four of the five winners. The last guy I can’t remember his name but has not contacted me with his address. And I’m not going to spend any more time trying to give away free seeds. I’ve sent him a PM and tagged him a few times. Might be away for the weekend or something. I’ll give him till Wednesday to claim his prize or I’ll run another Wiki and give it away.



Good morning.

Many Thanks!


That’s the plan, just got a bunch of beans in pots Thursday. Have one more 4x4 to setup and a bunch more beans to plant. These are gonna end up outside I think. After reasearching em it looks like there’s a good chance they might get too big. Might try to do em inside but I feel like a 2 gallon pot wouldn’t serve it justice and that’s what I’m gonna be finishing in for this second tent. Gonna be a sog of 36 plants with 80-90% beans from og fam maybe all of them but one that I got as a freebie in a trade that a friend on discord made.


@Vomact , @dracodragons , @A-Loc , @HollySun91 , @OHGrow21666 I put all five of your names in a cup and drew out a name. That person will receive a five pack of Cap Junky feminized seeds in addition to the five pack of Strawberry Pie auto seeds. I’ll let it be a surprise who won the CJ seeds.

Here is a picture of my 4 Cap Junky plants with about 3-4 weeks to go in flowering to give you an idea of what you can expect.



. …its the only wiki I won here on record and the only one I will ever win as I’ve declined any further competition to concentrate on what the few care givers have given me to date…I entered that comp with no intention at all and was warmly surprised when I won…but after yesterday’s fiasco and the whole free seeds for everyone thing I thought it right and respectful to grow and show some of ogers visions… now I’ve looked and asked certain members elsewhere , validity and potency seems very good on these strains!!! promotion on my next venture will be your vision and your seed if i win it!!!..thankyou for the opportunity to have access to these wonderful jewels on og and I promise you with hand on heart I will give this prize the warmest home possible…total respects brother…

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I just snapped this picture of a nugget down towards the middle bottom of one of the Cap Junky plants.




That’s so cool man :call_me_hand::call_me_hand:

@dracodragons I will confirm you won a 5 pack of autoflower seeds that I made. And your name was in a drawing with four others to win a 5 pack of Cap Junky seeds. I won’t say who won the Cap Junky seeds.


Holy frost :cold_face:

now your just teasing me…lolololol.sensational pic dude…I’ve heard crazy stories on cuts of this strain…if there is an elite cut I would say I have a good chance of finding it with all the mothering clone sets I do…definitely will be explored to a form of potential…I’m really excited for it tbh!!!.. edit…ahh ok no problem…I hope I won it then I didn’t realise!!!..well whoever wins it will be loving life if I’ve researched right…bless you brother!!

Looks like my cheese plants on the deck survived the snowfall last week.

They grew pretty well considering the weather last week and they spent two days underneath the garbage can