Beans for everyone (Part 1)

Not bad for last week of May.

These girls aren’t wasting any time.


Wow i havent even put plants out yet and you have some almost done haha


Take it you started flowering indoors? What are your hrs of daylight right now?

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These are some autos I ran, first time ever doing that.
So I thought that I would put a couple outside.
Sunrise 5:44 a.m. Sunset 8:48
In under a month, we will have our longest day of the year. :unamused:

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Not concerned with reveg or do autos not do that ?


First time ever growing them, no they can not reverse.


If this is done right, you can get some MONSTERS.


Autos have a internal clock set so light time doesnt cause reveg so you can give autos 18/6 20/4 light schedule through the whole grow. Looking good! Autos with good light and root space can get very large. They are looking nice!


Hello people.


Good evening

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Looking great @THCeed !:muscle::raised_hands:

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Thanks, good morning everyone.


Good morning my friends! :sunrise_over_mountains:!


Are they in pots or in the ground @THCeed


Good morning to you too @MoBilly and Happy Memorial Day :partying_face::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Good morning @OhNo555 ! I hope you are having a wonderful Memorial day.

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Yes I am and thank you for asking!:facepunch::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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In the ground. I have two in pots on my deck, one is barely 7 in and the other one is probably barely 12 in they’re getting close to being done.


Just wanted to say after my Raccastrophe, where my resident raccoon wiped, mmm, several of my plans and probably at least two plots of some finest beanery.
It was days before I could even look at and fully absorb the damage. Shortly after I had another personal blow to deal with, that took me some time to recover from.
I was crushed. OGrs stepped to the plate, and THCeed really touched my heart. I was gifted enough seeds to recover. When I finally went out to face the music, with a little help, I realized that although I had lost much, there were survivors as well.
One seed I had April and had gone through many freezing temps was another gift from THCeed, a Lennon Skywalker that said FU to the weather, and is now the Senior of the Garden.
But back to the reason for this post. I really want to put it out there that THCeed has always been generous and reflects true OG spirit. His coming through with a large amount of feminized seeds and other fire just showed me how his contribution to the community is selfless and heartwarming.
So big props to THCeed, and to all who sent me messages of well being. Your thoughts and prayers are all gratefully accepted and, I’m sorry, but it is difficult for me to find the words sometimes, I have to edit and re-edit a pre-post many times before I hit post.
Again, this is an amazing community, and I am grateful to be a part of it.


@THCeed is one of the best people I’ve met on here…just a great guy.

@PioneerValleyOG …You’re not so bad yourself. Did you have blood meal or fish meal or something around your plants? just wondering why a coon would cause so much carnage to cannabis.