Beans for everyone (Part 1)

I think quite highly of you guys too. You guys Raggae in my books.


This is true, I mixed blood meal in with the soil of my outdoor pots one year and everything was upside down the next morning. Like the coons could smell a meal and dug everything up trying to find it.


I think the coon first took it as a trespass to his spot, plus the plastic bags, he likes trash bags, and possibly thought inside the plastic bags were ‘treats’

And there may have been fish emulsion or other scents that interested him.
I’m bummed I lost mostly testers, and I also think my LPC was lost for the competition

But I’ve got help, and will be updating


You’re a dog, T. An absolute dog. When did you first soak these seeds?


That LSW Kush is some mean shit!


They are autos that were probably put down in February or March. Unless your climate dictates it, I have no idea why anyone would want to spend time growing these little baby pot plants. I thought that I would put a couple outside to see if they fair any better. Doesn’t look like it. 3 ft. tall and it’s going to be done probably end of June. I will show you colas this fall that will be 3-4 feet. I will post a pic of my other strain auto that is in a pot, after 4 months I have an 8 inch plant about to be pulled for about 1/4 oz. of bud. D’OH


@PioneerValleyOG i got LPC seeds if you want some just DM me anytime! :facepunch::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol::wink:

I remember how you put me up for that first win on the sticker and then gifted me on top of that. You are a GR8 asset to the OG community and have been very generous to all! đŸ«”đŸ‘Š


I sure love this place what comes around goes around and around and around and even comes around again to go around some more this place reggae’s


These came in the mail today.
Thank you @duo


Most photo plants don’t finish budding until mid-late October here in BC. No chance in hell to get a long flower sativa to finish here, perhaps in a controlled green house maybe.
Depending on the season they develop bud rot just as they are finishing.
I also like to grow anything, so autos are still fun for me even if they are small ones.
There are some monster auto flowers though.
Can’t wait to try that little Blueberry CBD plant.
It smells really nice and fruity. :drooling_face:


That’s what I figured they would be great for people whose climate dictates it.
You will not get high on the Blueberry CBD. But it is very sweet, smooth, smoke.
My luck with them is not good. 2 strains 1 strain really little and 1 strain got about 24 inches.


Autos are weird like that I think. My first five were about 26-32 inches but pull 1-2oz of each. Nothing to write home about but since I can run outside my tent cause they don’t need the light schedule. It’s nice to get a harvest mid grow. They can be fussy though don’t like transplanting so much some people say low nutes but mine eat. Last couple though 18g and 16g oh well. You are a great asset to this community the amount you share is truely helping to overgrow the world. :+1: I’m so happy I might do the “truffle shuffle” :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I am now the controller of the game.

A little fine tuning and we will be reaching for the sky.


That’s a great looking field you’ve got there @THCeed !

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Watering on a timer? Or Blu mats?


Livin’ the dream @THCeed ! Nice plot!

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ABAB up down up down select start.

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Electricity is next on the agenda. OH YEAH.


Forgot got left right left right :rofl::rofl::rofl:. That’s the way to go man. All my plants in the desert would be full time twice a day job without those wonderful watering lines attached to timer. Growem big homie!


I think they are reveging your thoughts your seeds walker