Beans for everyone (Part 1)

600mg? Yeah, that should do ya! Lol

750mg, the stars are 250mg.
My buddy did 375 last weekend and he was a crippled mess my other buddy did 500 and he was just a mess I did 650 and I waited all night for it to kick in this weekend I figured 750 what the hell Iā€™m going to be doing some giveaways later on so I thought Iā€™d get in the mood LOL let Saturday night begin. Hopefully weā€™ll have some fun later


Oh, I though it might been a ten pack of 100ā€™s.
Yup, youā€™ll be sitting pretty shortly after consumption!
Iā€™m thinking about doin a quick decarb and just making myself some firecrackers. I just need some relief.


How long do you think premade firecracker peanut butter would last in the fridge? Does it need the fridge?
Keep in mind that is already decarbā€™d and mixed in the spread.

Depends on how many friends you have over. :rofl:


Friends? Ha!
No seriously. Should I just store the decarbā€™d flower thatā€™s left, separate from the PB?

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I always do. I like to mix it fresh. I infuse coconut oil or M.C.T. And then store that in the fridge and use it whenever I want to make goodies or just take straight up.


So u would keep ur decarbā€™d flower in the fridge?
Iā€™ve never held onto the stuff either. It always goes in the jar/pot/dish that Iā€™m making at the time.
But I overdid it. :hushed::thinking:

How did this turn out?

Iā€™ll decarb to where I have an ounce then add a cup of M.C.T oil and a little lecithin to my magic butter machine. Two droppers is a nice dose. Enjoy the gummies!

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I was lookin for more of a quick relief type remedy. Didnā€™t have any other extraction.
Never even made firecrackers before now, hehe.

Roflmao! True stoner vs. hobbyist stoner :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::call_me_hand:

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Some Sunday morning eye candy.


Next weekend is my last try. 1000mg. If that doesnā€™t work, I give up.


I found eating something high in fat about an hour before I take edibles helps my body absorb them better. Iā€™m not sure if you have tried that but if not, give it a try.


You almost have to be missing an enzyme or something. You ever take any prebiotic? Try some crushed black pepper too. Crazy, I keep hearing these stories, it must be enzyme/liver related.


Try eating a raw jalapeno about 30 minutes after consuming the edibles. Thatā€™s what did it for me


I just caught part of the threadā€¦maybe try different types of oilā€¦ butter, olive oil, rendered fat, criscoā€¦etc


Have you seen the plants THCeed growsā€¦heā€™s probably totally immune just from walking around his yard.


I am ready to try anything, thanks for the tips.