Beans for everyone (Part 1)

I got this from one of my kids friends who works at a place that infuses drinks and other edibles. Last time I had a brownie I couldn’t get out of my chair. :laughing:


At 100mg, I think I would have to eat 10 of these. Which I would have no problem doing, if it was milk chocolate. Chocolate is my second biggest addiction. UMMMM chocolate.


Have you ever just filled up a capsule with quality RSO @THCeed

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RSO? is what?

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Rick Simpson oil. Its basically a green dragon tincture that you cook all the alcohol out of. I use tincture for my primary way medicating.

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I have made this using Everclear,
I even did it with all frozen matter and it sat in the freezer aging.
Rips people apart, but tastes like dung.

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I have tried eating a full gram of rosin.


I boil off about 3/4 of the tinctures alcohol to concentrate the THC and depending on the batch 12-15 drops is a nice functional dose. You can also take it sublingually where it bypasses your liver and goes directly into your blood stream thru the membranes under your tongue. Hope you find a method that works for you.

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Damn one method no one wants to try my state sells suppository
And no one wants to try them but science says it works I will pass until I absolutely need to use that as an option

Try eating a full gram of RSO maybe? Lol
No really, probably dont.

Weigh up 100 seeds, see how much that totals, then weigh the rest of the seeds and you’ll have a round-about number of what you have

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This is the way I tell people to take my CBD tincture.


It is the second quickest way to cross the blood brain barrier! Lmao, not that I would…

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Thanks but NO


I know brotha it’s a hard pass for me too
if next weekends adventure don’t work out just keep smoking or vaping

@blowdout2269 @THCeed we shut this thread down fast lol

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I guess the talk about booty bumpin will do that, rofl.

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Probably every time :joy:

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@MoBilly says edibles don’t work for him either, maybe you 2 have something in common.


I still eat the cookies my wife makes though. Their great with herbal tea or coffee.
I’m not sure if my body utilizes CBD but I bought some 99% pure CBD isolate last week. I’m giving that a shot. Any port in a storm is welcome.
I’ve read several studies and it seems it’s a genetic abnormality with our livers. There are two arguments. The first being that our livers can’t assimilate the THC. The other is that we process it too quickly for it to metabolize into the blood stream.
Either way it sucks muchly.