Beans for everyone (Part 1)

That’s interesting from my experience everybody gets very heavy eyes and it seems like they are drunk without having any alcohol


Absolutely. My wife makes edibles that I give to two of my friends that have medical conditions but can’t smoke.
I gave up on getting high off of edibles a while back but I still eat her cookies. Herb cookies go great with herb tea. It just works so well together.


Yes I get ripped off of 50mg. I haven’t had edibles in years though. I doo definitely enjoy smoking more, but the gummies were good for sleep


And help sleeping was one of the main reasons I began medicating with cannabis.


Hey duder, I just read your post kinda by coincidence. Anyway, I’m one of those folks who will eat 20 pot brownies and ask where the next batch is at, where others will be too high off of half a brownie.

Since I found out HHC and HHC-O is being sold in Europe, I started buying those, and they are CHEAP AS FUCK round here. HHC-O isn’t really suitable to dabbing since acetates will turn into toxic substances when heated at high temps, but the HHC-O is great for edibles. I just dose between 100 and 250 mg at once, and it won’t get me as high as edibles got me when I was 16 years old, granted, but it gets me higher than an equal dose of THC would. I don’t know why and I don’t know how, but I do know I like it.

Do with it what you will. Just thought I’d share the experience.


@Wizzlez very cool and great to know! I haven’t eaten an edible in years and years and tbh am not around a lot of people on them so really wtf do I know but I may give that a shot one day after some research. I really do absolutely love good flower over anything but enjoy rosin of all varieties, shatter, hash etc. as well I’ve just learned I have to keep it in moderation because my tolerance skyrockets and then it’s like I’m smoking literally all day long like a fiend lol :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I had a brownie one day and I couldn’t get out of my chair, lol hell of a body high.


A big round of thanks out to the members that sent me these. I got them in the mail today. Christmas on Valentines Day. Only on OG folks, only on OG .


I hear ya. I had that for a while too (smoking like a fiend). But I’ve been a daily pot user for close to 20 years now and things change. The way you’re affected by pot changes. Meanings change. Time changes. I can smoke all day and be like a fiend, and I can smoke all day and not be like a fiend. Maybe I’m lost on the meaning of what fiending is, or on the meaning of moderation, or maybe moderation is dependant on the state of the individual. Who knows…?

I’ll tell you another funny thing. I don’t do tolerance breaks. But I do break my tolerance.

I don’t go looking for it, but there are moments in life where I will notice my tolerance has simply dropped in half overnight. Over the years I’ve come to notice what things can make or break my tolerance. Pain heightens my tolerance to weed.

Doing shrooms is pretty much a guarantuee that I’ll get way higher next day.

Having extraordinarily positive experiences will do it too.

Starting methadone lowered my tolerance incredibly.

I have a condition called malignant refractory restless body syndrome, which basically means I get the same feeling inside that people who are hooked on opiates get inside when they are kicking or fiending. The “refractory” means in my case it doesn’t respond to standard treatments, which is why I take 5mg of methadone 3 to 4 times a day to make sure I don’t get to the point again where I’d rather kill myself than reside in my body another week.

Whenever my symptoms flare up, I can get medicated, but until I’m medicated, I cannot for the life of me get high. It’s almost funny. If I’ll smoke a weed strain that doesn’t treat my symptoms, I won’t get high either. I’ll just get more agitated and my symptoms might even increase, depending on the type of strain, but even the harvest time and curing time can have a significant effect on the effect it’ll have and thus on the amount of “high” I’ll get and also the amount and quality of relief I get.

Just mentioned that to put things in perspective, as I realize my health is not yours, and for me, cannabis is not just medicine, it’s an absolute necessity as a medicine, as without it I don’t see a way to live. Hell, even with it I was barely surviving in the end.

I can manage with HHC and methadone together as well, but the HHC affects me way less when vaped or smoked where the edible form does more than THC. Strange but true…


@Wizzlez my god my friend, I can only imagine. I’ve been there on the “coming down” part and can literally only imagine being stuck in that perpetual feeling, an absolute nightmare. I’ve developed pretty bad anxiety over the last few years, I also have severe back/neck pain and muscle spasms that can be absolutely ridiculous at times. And I have been a daily smoker for appx 24 years now, tolerance breaks just don’t work for me anymore because without weed I become an asshole, my symptoms are amplified exponentially and things just suck, so I just smoke all day. I’m very glad you found something that works , truly am as I can only imagine , truly . I too have been to the point of no longer wanting to be in my body and damn near ending things , and wouldn’t wish it on anyone.


I cannot believe @THCeed is still giving away seeds one year later. Absolute rockstar! Thank you for all you do.


If by some crazy happenstance I win that pollen, it’s all yours @THCeed :+1:


You guys Raggae in my book.


“gravity” it will always bring things down. love old school low tech. if it aint broke no need for fixing.


me too man. I don’t really get too high off edibles but boy do hash cookies taste good! :joy: I think they taste better than the normal ones.

I will say though I have gotten high off “edibles” in the last few years. I made bhang (spiced and infused milk) and damn that shit worked a treat. A shot glass’s worth was more noticeable than any amount of cookies. I used this recipe and it was delicious

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WOW 2 days in a row. I’m kinda choked up a bit. I think I like you guys way better than my real life friends. Wait, I don’t have any real life friends, so love you guys and gals. Thanks again.


Good to see that my envelope made it safely.
You should be receiving another envelope soon. :slightly_smiling_face:


Very much appreciated my good friend


OK France
500 feminized beans
Enough to Overgrow “les chartreux”
Rolling one for the walk to the mailbox.
And it will be on its way.


If this post gets enough likes we are going to do a little giveaway here tomorrow night have some fun like last weekend should be throwing some nice fire around