Beans for everyone (Part 3)

@LzBoy Do you have a license to grow through ACMPR, or are you just doing the 4 plant legal thing?
I am not a specialty in this at all, but I have heard if you got the license to grow you don’t need your landlords permission.

Someone please correct me if I am wrong.

I know they want to know if you rent or own your place when going through the process, I don’t know what they would do if you rent though.

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This is the info I seen from my grow license place that I use.
Better off calling the number at the bottom and asking Health Canada personally.

2. Do I need my landlords permission to grow in a rental

NO! You do NOT need to.

Health Canada has made the wording on the form very confusing. If you read closely you will see it says “if you do not own the property AND do not live there”. If you live at the rental property, you do not need to tell your landlord.

In the section where it asks about this, you will see a box to check and skip the landlord part.

If you are still a little unsure, or want to be extra sure please call Health Canada and they will walk you through everything 1-866-337-7705.


Oh damn, you’re right too… Tricky little loophole :grin:


I would confront him first, he just wants rent and not alot of crap. A conversation is better than a citation.


I once had an insurance valuation inspection where I had a grow in my fireplace hidden by a big mirror.

He didn’t see it. But he easily could have.

This was a long time ago and fully illegal though. I would have been smarter to scrap it. Big risk.

Now it doesn’t matter. I have work guys/fire guys/stack guys/hvac guys coming in all the time, right beside my tent, and it’s no big deal. I’m sure they see it all the time.

I always thought it would be funny to say it’s a lettuce tent. They can’t open my tent any more than they can go in my underwear drawer.


Interesting didn’t know this.

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No license. Claiming 4 plants… Got 6 atm in veg, easy to hide 2 for the day.

Think I’ll just leave it and have 4 plants at the time they show up…
Everyone I talk to seems to be saying the same. It’s legal. Keep it to 4.
No where have I signed saying I won’t grow or not allowed.
My biggest fear I think is the therapy aspect of growing, and loosing the ability to continue. That’s the biggest reward, along with OG of course. And some fine wmbk to puff as a reward.
Ill call tomorrow but I’m sure nothing til Monday, and that’s when they show up.
Thx for all the info :call_me_hand:
It’s definitely nice to be able to talk to the right kind of people.
Now back to your regular scheduled THCeed programing. :grin:


Yeah I hear you on that.

And if you’re legally allowed 4 that makes your moves a little easier.

Here a tenant can make life very difficult for a landlord so if you’re good, pay on time (here anyway) they have a vested interest in not pissing you off.

A good tenant is worth their weight in gold.


That’s exactly what 2 tenants have done, forcing his hand. He has 2 other apartment buildings.
I warned these 2 tenants last summer. If you push him to hard on your selfish request, he will just get rid of this place,and that’s exactly what’s happening.
We see it happening all over every major city.
Out with the old, in with the new… If you’re rich enough.
I believe if the teardown and put up apartments, we get first dibs. At new rent prices.

The majority of the tenets are on disability / wcb fixed income.
Renteviction at its finest.
Will definitely know more on Monday. :pray::crossed_fingers:


Yeah my understanding is the same.

Here they bulldozed a full small rent controlled subdivision to put up 2 million dollar condos.

It’s sad in a lot of ways but the human cost is pretty bad. These people are uprooted from their homes and have to move far far away to find anything even slightly affordable.

This sort of thing is in the news a lot lately but it’s usually from a getting screwed by bad tenants slant.


Thank you kindly for these awesome genetics🙂

You reggae :v:&:green_heart:


So glad they made it, stay lifted.


Morning growmies!


Morning everybody. I’m going to be out of service for the day going ice fishing again, have a great day everybody.


Have a Great Day… Let use know what you Fish… :grinning: :heart:

Enjoy :blush: your day brother, we will C U later. :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::star_struck::wink::ok_hand::sunglasses::v:

How’s the ice holding up in this weather?

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Surprised there’s much ice left, my lakes finally water again. Must be more north then me.

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Best of luck!