Beans for everyone (Part 3)

Any idea how long it was there?

I got one on the back of my knee very recently.


I hoped it was about a dogā€¦ Lol god that sucks. One pest Iā€™m glad Iā€™ve never encountered. Hope your Jimmyā€™s ok.


I was out in the bush on Friday evening and then went out Saturday morning and again Saturday evening. I found it yesterday, could have been from Friday, could have been from Saturday. The pharmacist said if thereā€™s a chance it could be on for over 36 hours definitely take the antibiotics. I took two off of my son on Sunday when we got home. Iā€™m sure they migrated from me over to him.


Mine was on for maybe 18 hours but was a bitch to dig out. Certainly not scrotum excavation but still not nice.

I didnā€™t even do any high risk activities. I walked through a mowed field.


Yes, it took a while and lots of pencil biting to get to it. The worst was the bleeding.


Yeah. Getting the head out left a big hole that filled with blood. Like a deep scab.


Almost like the hole left from a tooth extraction, thatā€™s where I am today. Legs probably donā€™t bleed like ball sacks. :grimacing:


Mine wasnā€™t all the way in. I found it because something was protruding from my skin, not totally underneath it.

I bet you my leg has more blood than your ballsack.

But either way, so gross. I had to take a deep breath to not react and remove it properly instead of just knee jerk ripping it out.


Man, itā€™s 6:26am, Iā€™m looking out of my skull with 1 eye open, and what do I read? @THCeed has been performing surgery on his own sack.

Lemme tell ya, itā€™s been a very long time since Iā€™ve cringed quite that hard :rofl:.

I know a guy who dealt with Lyme disease for almost 10 years with no idea what was going on. He got married in that time and when they finally found the lil bugger and got him treated, he all of a sudden wanted to be really active, like he had been before, and she wasnā€™t 100% up to it šŸ¤¦what fun.

In all seriousness though, glad ya found it early man, they can be brutal, and sorry 'bout your sack (betting thatā€™s not on a hallmark card :grin:)


How aboutā€¦.

ā€œI brought a bag lunchā€ ?


ā€œI got the sack todayā€



I hope it didnā€™t look anything like the one below. My wife was bit by one and is now allergic to all red meat and dairy:



That makes me want to never leave the house again

Thatā€™s horrible!!

ā€œThere are no ticks hereā€ he said
ā€œThe deer donā€™t come this wayā€ he said

Glad my dog takes preemptive insect medication.


Deer are certainly primary carriers, but the real problem is that we donā€™t allow our woodlands to burn.

I was out on a lake where the woods had been flooded out - many years earlier. Anyhow, the boat bumped a standing tree - all dead wood with many missing limbs - and my fishing buddy and I had a rain of ticks fall upon us. We were steppinā€™ and fetching. It made me wonder how long those f-ers stay alive (2 or 3 years, evidently).


I think the white spot on the back means it is a female. That better not happen to me I drink 2 L of milk a day and I only eat meat. I would have to ask one of you guys to take me out.


Looks like my Lemon Skunk is kicking out nanners. Not sure what to do with him.

Wanted this in the garden this year, so Iā€™m not really happy about it.


Geeeez! I always wear my Canadian forces pants when I go in tick country, with the sleeves in the legs to tuck in your socks.


No, thatā€™s a Lone Star Tick. It caused Alphagal syndrome in my wife. She was already allergic to all seafood before this and has a heavy sensitivity to soy as well, which limits her diet drastically.

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That so sucks