Beans for everyone (Part 3)

YouTube shows you the answer, college teaches you why that’s the answer and how go find it yourself 🤷

And also, college professors typically aren’t QUITE as insane as some YouTubers, hopefully :grin::joy:

(coming from a college dropout, so, pinch of salt and all that, hahaha)


I’m covered up in education. I’m a strong believer. Critical thinking is key to any society’s success. So is understanding our history.


I couldn’t agree more… I’m really nervous about the future with all the statues that are being torn down… Without them there, kids will never know to ask about them, and lesrn the right and wrong, things they did.

I also believe college is not for everyone. We need to respect blue collar more in our society. Some very smart ppl can be slowed down or discouraged by college. And the $, it’s disgusting!


You make a valid point. If we don’t learn history we are doomed to repeat it.

Out of likes

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Its already repeating if you ask me

I agree. We once again find ourselves in an age of robber barron’s.

Please note this this comment is meant to be a sociological observation and is not intended to be interpreted via a political lense.


Looks good matey

We are just as strong as the perceived threat. Eh



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Agreed, if I could do it all over, I’d be a plumber

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I’d be a comedian! There’s no joy greater than making others laugh! Plus, I view comedians as the philosophers of our time.

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I dunno man, when your shitters overflowing, are you looking for a laugh? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Maybe, if it’s good enough weed.

Good morning, OG
Raining here this morning, garden might be a little too mucky to plant today.
Have a smokin morning, everyone.


Rain my way also. Was supposed to work today on a side project, but may just get a welcomed day off. Been work 7 days a week last 4 weeks . Need to get some time in with the plants and get some stuff up potted and some cuts out of the cloner.:v:


There never snuff hrs in the day or our bodies ! I here you tho ! Gotta walk the dogs and then get the privilege of working all day

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3 seasons ago we had 154 days of rain out of 190 during the growing season I had pure sativas from Asia and Columbia. It rained that much the sativas died around 3 foot tall from no sunlight. It really affected so many people mentally everyone was sad or angry due to not seeing the sun for weeks or a month at a time. I think we got over 8 ft of rain that summer.


I recieved regs , I started 4 of them and 4 Lennon Soup , I had tons of seedlings going already ,Coastal BB ,REG BB ,AKA Brains VBB , BBM and some more,lol


Im in Massachustts, when I was a kid my brothers and I would go catch crayfish boil them up… They are so good, I always wanted too go down south and have them cajun style crawfish …


We’re do you live the Amazon basin ! Holy shit you should have planted on a boat or pontoons

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