Beans for everyone (Part 3)

I cut off a couple of buds Thursday night and just tried to extract some beans from them. These buds are so sticky, that the beans stay stuck to them even when they are not attached to anything. Looks like we are going to be in good shape, when I cut the rest of the big plant down. Pictures are to follow but I think we will have a few thousand beans for the OG verse.

The smell is overwhelming and my fingers feel like they are covered in honey.


Man I d love to sample some of that smoke… Beautiful … I finally have plants in the ground… My GDP and Hindu kush Fems and my BBM … I dug out deep holes ((I MEAN DEEP))and filled with Ocen Forest ,live Night crawlers and some other stuff… I m gonna be putting the LGSTK plants in them and try to grow MONSTERS… LMAO ,This is the most excited I ve been to grow a strain since BB… I ll keep the grow up to date on my BB grow thread… Your the man @THCeed …


Nice bro! Great job

Awesome news!

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Outta likes, but damn, ya gotta love that sticky sticky, eh?? :grin:

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Lol that is a lyric from an AJR song.

Haha nope, just my brain on weed… All, deep thinking and shit… About as deep as a puddle, but it’s something :joy:

Which strain is that? Thanks

No the " Why did I pay for college when YouTubes an option " is a song

It is?? Bahahaha I really need to get out more :joy:

Edit: thinking about it, I haven’t a clue who “AJR” even is :joy:🤦

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Ya if you listen to radio you have heard unless you listen to country, rap or Taylor swift lol.


I am all out of likes, but I am sure looking forward to watching this. Sounds like you’re going to treat her right. Hope you grow a monster. :heart: I am all out of likes for at least an hour.


This is Freakshow IBL from @Wizdom.
2 down, 2 to go.


You will, you will.

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You trimming today? I feel sorry for those hands lol… I hate trimming so much! :laughing:

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Spotify, I built a 12 hour playlist of my faves… New music “ain’t got the same soul”. I’m so out of touch with new music, it’s funny, but I hear enough new stuff when the kids are either playing their tunes in rhe kitchen or the car, lol.

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I’m hoping to just get all four cut down today and then I like to hang them whole for a few days before trimming anything off. I find it really makes the smoke a lot better.

Hoping to get a few plants into the garden if it is not too mucky.


Best I can do is send you some beans.


How do you keep it from drying too much at that time?

Those look awesome @THCeed.:peace_symbol:

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Because it has all the leaves, it takes longer to dry out.
If the RH of the house is around 60, they are good for awhile.