Beans for everyone (Part 3)

No just watering so far . My BB plants are beautiful . I m blown away by how good this stuff is.

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I’m getting ready to go soil… more organic… and i’m nervous lol… I have ffof… but haven’t used it… I also heard good things about build a soil 3.0 and craft soil @Originalweedman

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White widow auto was my first grow and nothing so far has compared to it in taste and strength…please do something with auto’s as I would love to see your experience and skill being used in a different direction :slightly_smiling_face: and please make crosses and S1’s :v:&:green_heart:
The Aurora Bouralies could be Northern lights auto ?? :slightly_smiling_face:


Yeah , I d def recommend it . I can believe how fast and big my plants grew in it Just insane…

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Right on man… I hope it’s the same for me lol

Fog Dog gets my vote. Should be sourced from Atlas Seed and is an 80% indicia with THC levels around 20-22%. I’ve not grown it - it is on my want list. It is on my list because it supposedly finishes by day 65 - so super fast.


This is my “Hagstone” which I found on a beach just down the street from me in Lake Ontario. Truth be told we went beach combing and before we got to the waters edge I said outloud: “I’m gonna find my hagstone today!” as a partial joke knowing how hard that was gonna be to pull off.

And the moment I looked down at the waters edge Mrs. P hear a very loud: “ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!” and this was in my hand:

Wider shot with the rune.

The back.

I looped it onto some parachute cord, added a Jera rune band (harvest rune), and it’s been on my neck every since. Around 3 years now since it blessed me.


That is really cool looking! Is it heavy?

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That’s pretty awesome, for Lake Ontario.
Nice find.


That is a fantastic find! GR8 pictures, I see you made that yourself? :ok_hand::blush::wink::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Thanks everyone!

The stone itself is around the size of a twoonie, but thicc. I use the simple double sliding fishermans for it so I can adjust as needed.

It’s usually at a length that it floats over my heart. :+1:

It’s not heavy by my standards… but then again this is what usually sport around my neck so my perspective is relative:

Up close:

Moldavite: (from Czech Republic) silicate-based glassy crystal formed due to the impact of an asteroid.

Silver: (from Canadian dimes from 1948-67) Smelted them down and dropped the liquid metal onto a piece of salvaged oak scrapwood. It bubbled and burned and this was the resulting pattern the wood gave as the metal seared its way down into it.

Libyan desert glass: (from Eastern Libya) impactite (meteorite impact 3000+ years ago).

Herkimer Diamond: (from Herkimer County, New York) a double-terminated quartz crystal of exceptional clarity.

Boulder Opal: (from Western Queensland, Australia) thin veins of opal formed in the cracks of tough ironstone. Opal has no colour, it is ancient ocean water that has over time formed into microscopic spheres that bend and fracture light like a prism so the colour we experience is pure light.

Iron-Nickle Meteorite: (from Sikhote-Alin Mountains, Russia) an iron meteorite fell on the Sikhote-Alin_Mountains in 1947. This is wrapped in stainless steel chainmail and is held on with persian weave chainmail. (this thing is heavy as fuck)

Nephrite Jade (from British Columbia, Canada)

Shungite (from Karelia, Russia) A rare black stone made of up to 99 percent carbon,

Larimar (from Dominican Republic). A rare and unique blue gemstone found only in the Dominican Republic and the only gemstone found in the Carribeans. Is photosensitive and the blue fades with prolonged exposure to sunlight.

Green Moss Agate (from India) A gemstone renowned for the greenish filaments that seem to resemble creeping moss or other vegetation. Also known as “the gardeners stone”.

Amber (from Kaliningrad Oblast of Russia) A fossilized tree resin that has been appreciated for its color and natural beauty since Neolithic times.


What a collection @Pigeonman very cool bro :sunglasses:


I couldn’t agree more! Fantastic stuff!


The show begins, I hope it is worthy of your time.

10 in the ground, hopefully a few more today.


@THCeed Looks like you will be growing some big plants.
Hope this years outdoors is a good one for you.


Very nice indeed…a Dzi stone would have fitted right in :slightly_smiling_face:

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And it begins…… sending positive vibes your way bro

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Thanks, that Super Skunk is already 2+ feet. I might have to invest in a sky hook to hold her up.


Yes! Go for 20ft plus this year!

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I think the tallest I got was around 15 ft. They always seem to self-destruct after that and I have no way of getting up that tall to tie them all off and support them. Might have to get a few members here and we can get on each other’s shoulders to get up that high. LOL