Beans for everyone (Part 3)

Back in the day, us kids would swim near lakeshores, and dive to collect jigs, caught up in logs, could, depending on the lake, get about a hundred a year.
Mostly hand made, and depending on age, would still be painted .
Just useta leave them on docks, lessen family wanted them


That’s so much cooler than getting golf balls or something… Which, is still cooler than anything I did during the summers, lol

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Those hand painted custom ones are very sort after fishing :fishing_pole_and_fish: lures that are worth a good bit of money, there are many people out there that collect them. :ok_hand::wink::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

Lots still in the water😋

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Tonight’s photo to chill to.

No fish tonight, missed a nice one.
The boat beside me caught a 55 inch musky. Biggest freshwater fish I have ever seen. Broke their net, his rod and eventually his line. The fish was so tired, it just floated on the surface for a while, until they revived it. What a monster to see.


Very nice brother. I’m definitely jealous, I haven’t been out in over a month. Finishing up side work so I can get my big boat ready and hit the lake . Should have my little boat ready by fall for bluegill and crappie :v:


Nice catches! @THCeed /daughter duo killing it out there!


Man I’m jealous. You enjoy that sir. I’ve seen what you’ve been up to, I know that body needs a rest and recharge. I just spent last weekend a friend’s lake house and wish we never left.

This mornings catch had to mostly go back. 6 over 18 inches, it hurts so much to throw back such a beautiful fillet. Well, again today, I got out fished by my daughter. She caught the 22 incher. We managed to catch 2 at 16 inches to keep. So not a good day for supper.

Also caught this, on camera. Lol

A bald eagle.

Oops doubled up a picture there.

Tonight’s photo.


Yum. Walleye is the best fresh water fish there is. At least that I know of. Tastes as close to ocean whitefish as you can get. So you can’t keep them if they’re over 18" or what?


Didn’t you say bluegill was over in chuckers?

No. Who are you?

Not where I am fishing. It’s really stupid, I am on the boundary line of WMU 10 and WMU 14. In section 10, I am allowed 4 fish, none over 18 inches. In section 14, I am allowed 2 fish, either both under 16 inches, or 1 under 16 and 1 over 22 inches. It’s pretty messy since one of the favorite spots is a section of river going right over the boundary line.


I don’t have the fish, or eagle, but my view tonight didn’t suck :blush:

I hope everyone had a great Sunday evening!


Nice. My view wasn’t too shabby either.


@PadawanWarrior that is a truly beautiful sight :grin::metal:

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Went hiking with my girlfriend yesterday, the views weren’t terrible.


The best “breeders” are basically between 18-24" (the eggs are more viable at this age). If we want a fishery for our kids, and theirs, its what we gotta do. Way too many people took way too many good eating fish over the past 100 years. And with way more people now, its only going to get worse if they didn’t do something about it. Total respect to @THCeed for abiding by the rules even though he’s way the heck up north. Some wouldn’t.


I know fishing isn’t what it once was. Neither is hunting. I’m all about responsible fishing. I usually do catch and release. That’s one of the beauties of walleye. They’re tough fish and don’t usually swallow the hook. I’m in CO now and it’s mostly trout. They’re not as tasty and they’re weak as hell so I don’t really like to fish for them unless it’s fly or lure so they don’t get hooked in the throat.

When I lived in SD the fishing was awesome. That’s almost all I did when I was there. There isn’t much else, lol.


Thanks again to @THCeed and @Orbitalnutria420

Package arrived