Beans for everyone (Part 3)

Thanks @Rhai88 the beans showed today.


Wait, you grow the weed in the tank?
Or on top? Or? Ffs I’m blazed and confused :yum:


Actually, I have grown a tomato plant right in an aquarium once

Check out my grow log, there’s lotsa pics showing how my current setup works…

But, basically, aquarium → big garbage can with media balls → plants → aquarium

It is the most natural way to grow in a hydro kind of setup.

If you fish, the next time you go walk along any river, where you see lots of plants growing, start dropping your line in, the fish are close :grin::metal:


Probably because you were all fired up from reading said letter! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage::fu:


Well, my freaky Purple Freak is a dude.

Coastal Blueberry

This looks like it is near the end of the 2nd week of flower.


Were you going for pollen and seeds? Or hoping for all females?

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I was sure hoping for a female. I like my outside plants to be from regular beans, so I know the males will be coming. I already pulled 3. My Purple Freak last year yielded just under 3 lbs. dried bud. I might try to save a little pollen from this guy, to try and keep that freaky middle leaf going. Shit like that intrigues me.


3lb of dry? Was this the one you had to get on your neighbours roof to trim? Loo

Me too

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No, that was 3 years ago. The Purple Freak was a new strain that I was testing last summer. What a hit, I can’t wait to do a little more work with it.


Yeah that’s pretty high. If possible aim for 5.7-6.3.

Also @THCeed




Nah, can’t drop it that low with fish, but also don’t need to with the different nutes.

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Ahh! I see! Yeah that’d really be a bad scene for them.

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I’m pretty sure that plant just doesn’t tolerate pH swings as well.

That nute is out the window and the new one already has the phosphate level at 25ppm, which is 2.5x higher than recommended 🤦. Apparently a tbsp is too much in my system.

Thanks for your input though, I appreciate it!

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That’s amazing that they out and out lie but they forget that the internet is out here and more people see these lies ! Probably some Dudly DoRight ! Who knows fuck all about anything and believes everything he’s told with out question otherwise another Canadian Liberal Sheep !


On top of it all most guys only get the 149 plants to grow because the bloody cost is so high if your not selling a pinch or two !

Some big fan leaves.
London Double Pound Cake

Reaching for the sun. This one looks like it is starting its 2nd week of flower.

Have a smokin evening.


I love big leafs. Those are massive.

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@THCeed I LOVE that strain for anxiety…enjoy my friend, looks beautiful

Thanks for sharing, great pics

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Mmmmm large fanleaves.


Those are bigger than mine. Very good!

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