Beans for everyone (Part 3)

Bear been climbing maybe :man_shrugging:

Nah goes too high for that

Okay folks I need your help, Just got this in the mail today. The envelope was completely opened and I found two flips in it with no identification as to who it came from. All I do know is that it has a return address from North Carolina. One flip is a Blue Afgan auto reg and the second is a Black Garlic X Jamaica something. Can not really tell the ink on the flips got really smudged up in transit. Can someone help me out in figuring out who this came from?


Some critter makin a scratching post maybe a coon? Total guess. Good game. Again :joy:

…Looks like it maybe suffering from an infestation of bark beetles.

See How To Identify Bark Beetles: Identification and Prevention


I m to busy trying to figure out all the strains you ve offered , this could take days,lmao Dude this should be fun . I thank u brother.

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Did u trade on the take seeds leave seeds thread??? I remember the Garlic strain from there. Just wondering ,it would make it easier to narrow it down.


Jamaican Puna perhaps.

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I have done some trades on that thread. But not for either of the flips I got in the envelope I got today.

Edit: Does not help people do send me seeds in the mail unannounced.


I get it , I ve had it happen … IDK, The Garlic strain was something I remembered seeing. I hope u figure it out buddy …

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And this is on top of a card I got unannounced in the mail yesterday with 6 flips in it.

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Termites having a feast ,

Could.they be from @Oldtimerunderground ?


I have a few people saying the same.

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An animal or bird feeding on bugs under the bark? The tree is probably dying so easy to rip off the bark. Porcupine maybe.


It would probably be shorter for you to list what you’ve received from me and I can take it from there.

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@tuned is a nature sleuth. Well done, Brother.
Do you have a Bart head or Pina Pound Cake?


It was a dam big foot :foot: or Sasquatch! :laughing::rofl::joy::sweat_smile:


Going to pop 20 LSGTK X LPC that an elf threw in my stash. That same elf told me what the abbreviations stood for, Lennon Skywalker Ghost Triangle Kush x London Pound Cake

When you have a second @THCeed can you let me know a bit more about the cross and its history?

Last like for 3 hours.

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