Beans for everyone (Part 4)

Holy mackerel! Have they started flowering yet?
Forgot the ladder, Time to bust out the scaffolding :grin:

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Kee Kee or KiKi.

She She. Ten

Hee Hee!

Ha Ha!

Sorry, bit baked but that’s what we came up with.

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Jeez matey there getting big . That freakshow is really starting to grow now. They start slowly but get big by the end of the season. Great job matey

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Right on…nice tree, thanks for sharing the awesomeness that is your “plant”. Definitely a tree now

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Wasn’t there a choc thai x rockin rain out in that patch?


Yes there is. First time growing it outside and it is monster cropping on its own. Same as when you flower a plant for 4-6 weeks and then put it outside for the summer. Just rolled a fatty, so I will go for a walk and attach a picture of it.


Yes, some have. This looks like it’s starting on week 3 to me.

And the Chocolate Thai X Rockin Rain is still 100° veg mode. My 6 ft. ladder for reference.

Super bushy.


Interesting, makes me curious as to what you are smoking. :rofl:


Haha! Maybe you know…

Alright, how about TwoMo.

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Looken Great, thanks for the update. Super curious about that one.

My vote for kitten name is “Aloysius Devadander Abercrombie”.

Or “Mud”, for short. :laughing:


Is this phosphorus deficiency?


It looks like some kind of leaf rot

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That’s kinda what all of my soil grown plants end up looking like, I always figured it was me drowning them and the roots soaking in too much water…?

Oh damn, I forgot there was anything for the last post!! I just got excited that my brain let a couple names come out! :joy:

I’d love to give you freakshow a shot…?

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We certainly are close to a record amount of rainfall so far this summer.


Freakshow and Chocolate Thai x Rockin Rain on the way, OK?
FREAKER’S BALL coming this fall. Time your grow to give us a show.


Sounds awesome man, thanks!!

I have a grow started now, but they’re only getting a short Veg time, it should work out well!

Thank you!