Best Audio Psychedelic Strains

Recently I’ve really noticed my Garlic bud has a powerful audio psychedelic effect when listening to music.
What other strains have this effect of an audio psychedelic?

(Pic) female Garlic bud just crossed to my male Hawaiian Sativa, these are trichomes from the breeder female Garlic bud 5 weeks. New seeds coming F1s #HawaiianGarlic It’s almost ready to harvest. I have the male Hawaiian and female Garlic bud ready to make more if it’s a great cross.


Dammm, I hope my mystery matchbox bag seed are some type of Hawaiian. Those are divine looking!! I’d have to say G13 and hybrids have an auditory zoning out. Sounds seem amplified…


Hawaiian Sativa is getting hard to find. Just like many other great strains of that area.

Alright G13 for audio psychedelic. Thanks for your help. :100::dove:@OriginalDankmaster96


I’ve got good Hawaiian Sativa. I’m getting the male ready for another breeding round, threw it into Garlic bud. Seeds should be ready, I’m gonna cut it soon.

Pic Garlic bud 5th week with seed, this resource of resinous content is partnering with Hawaiian Sativa.

I’ve got Garlic bud females stacking and my best male Hawaiian for the next run after I test the first F1s


My romulan grapefruit had some phenos very good for music listening and playing as do any crosses to pineapple thai or to dancehall.


Thanks man, Dance hall sounds like an Audio psychedelic for sure. I love strains that bring an audio joy ride lol

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Seems like its usually good sativas in my experience that enhance audio.

One indica that Ive seen others note for audio enhancement is bodhis cherry lotus.

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Dancehall is a sturdy cbd strain but has added some vigor and structure to the crosses.
It came from reggae seeds.

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