Best fruit or vegetable for a small grow tent

OMG my post looks huge! lmao


My son is high functioning autistic, 8 years old. He really enjoyed growing bush beans. Easy to grow and fun to watch the beans stretch out and get longer. He wouldn’t try them though. That’s one thing we have an exceedingly hard time with. He’s getting better about trying new foods and drinks but his main food groups are still pop tarts, pb&j, Dino nuggets and bananas.


Dig the strawberries idea, one of his favorites and his mom’s and his two sisters(not mine, hence the divorce) something everyone likes is probably my best bet, that way his mom will feel good about helping him when he needs it.


I’m going with Scotch Bonnet Peppers.

Colorful and easy to grow, and the way their little faces light up when they take a bite of them is just magical!

Sorry Debs, I just hadda.


In my defense, little kids really don’t like scotch.