Best "Pest Resistant" Strains - in YOUR opinion

Right on man. I’ll keep watching this thread, good luck man.


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Btw nice reference


great minds…


:rofl: so true :+1:

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Sprays silver on face" valhalla!!!


Id definitely use a silica if it’s all out war


do you grow other cover crops around your ganj that are natural insect barriers?
are you doing foliar sprays?

do you not think that there are some strains more resistant than others?

i think a bit of complacency and laziness on my part. typically if we have rainless summer and it’s hot AF we do not have bad insect problems. i didn’t stop scouting my plants, but i DID stop doing preventive measures and got complacent.

i stopped doing my compost teas and foliar spraying.

whatever insect came and decimated the grapevines in 4 days flat were the first wave. they tasted the ganj, but moved on. they preferred the grape leaves, melon/cucumber leaves and flowerbeds. after that a wave of spidermites and thrips came and put the beating on the ganj. thrips were a new one this year. never seen or dealt with them before. they fcked sht up hard and fast. my normal DIY methods were failing. spinosad was tapped and did it’s job. 3 applications in 4 days spreads. bug activity was zero after first application. spray 2 and 3 were for eggs and missed larvae.

exterminatus extremis

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I honestly just let my plants go I used to do spray and use silica. this year I did nothing and they turned out fine other than a bit of bud rot here and there. id look into making your own natural insect repellant I used water with a bit of silica and peroxide as a spray one year helped out a little. Other then the cannabis plant I dont use other plants as repellents.

I dont think there is a strain of weed thats pest resistant really they won’t eat the trichomes but the leaves and stems they will eat it till its gone

Some plants do better than others. I’m UK. Our humidity is stupidly high all year round. Other than spider mites I’ve never really had pest problems. I’ve had a lot of botrytis in the past. I’ve found Barney’s Farm LSD has never been effected by it.


There’s not such a thing as a persistent (resistant) bug strain…


Depending where you live, you may wanna check out I purchased from them in the past, most products can be used up to date of harvest!! This has been a “trying time” for NE growers, specifically. We had an overabundance of rain this year with cool temps. Big issues with Bud Rot. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Welcome back buddy. I hope things are better in your life. You’ve been a big miss. :+1:


i do have a few DIY methods and always try to stay on the organic side.
i just had very limited results with the thrips. never dealt with them before. didn’t know what they were at first.


that’s what i’m thinking. they give off a scent or something that the insects don’t like.

BF LSD. that’s on the list. still looking for those. they have them at NASC but were out of stock last time i checked.

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“pest resistant”



Make a perfect medium to grow with worm casting some guano etc really bio that will help but… Still you have some issues believe me

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my sister is up in that AO. she has been complaining about the rain. lot of people with rot issues.

i went up and visited her in july. it rained 8 of the 12 days we were there. :open_mouth:


I love bf lsd. It grows huge. Harvest isn’t that bad of a trim and it’s super strong. What’s not to like??

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