Best "Pest Resistant" Strains - in YOUR opinion

COPA is bred in maine

certainly seems popular. seeds always sold out… :frowning:

i don’t think i have ever grown anything from barney’s farm that turned out bad. i have two of theirs outside finishing up. bubba kush and strawberry lemonade.

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i am unfamiliar with what you are referring to. what is COPA?

some person in maine who breeds plants

I agree - I’ve observed some plants being far more resistant to pests than others. I’ve had spider mites for years now, and on most healthy plants they don’t get bad enough to venture into the sticky buds, but some of them just turn into web central in a hot minute. I’ll have 12 plants going, 1 will be totally fine, 9 will be carrying on with business, and 2 will be ready for Halloween.

I have mostly grown strains / cultivars with high genetic diversity alongside my own home made crosses, so I can’t point specifically at particularly resilient genetics for you. I’m certainly selecting for resistant plants as I breed though.

I gave my indoor grow room an outbreak of powdery mildew by bringing in some tomato cuttings in the fall. It went crazy on the one plant, got some on another plant, and the Pineapple from HomeGrownCannabisCo hardly got a spot. I sprayed everything with skim milk, which killed it beautifully, and threw out the tomatoes.

I’ve had thrips and brown scale for three runs now. The scale seems to prefer some of my home cross plants with purple stems.

The thrips and recurrent aphids seem to just eat everything.

I like the science showing that in general,
healthy, vigorously growing plants with all their nutrient needs met are highly bug resistant. It tracks perfectly with my experience - most plants do fine with the bugs as long as I’m caring for them perfectly. The bugs move in badly when I try to keep them alive post-harvest to give me seeds. They even explained that the stressed plant’s leaves look a different color to aphids and some other powder insects.
Here’s a couple of their videos in case you’re interested. Production value is very low, I often put on closed captions, turn it on 2x speed and just read the words.

P.S. Yes, I’m trying to kill all the bad bugs, but I’ll share my battles another time.


Use skin mites…
In a healthy enviroment, speaking of outdoors of course, you’ll always have skin mites.
They will eat up all your spider mites :wink:
Work’s every time…

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Durganchitral ( from usc )

Many years ago I had big thrip infestation in tent , was new to growing

Thrips would not even sit on its leafs while the other strains were covered , really bad , I would clap hands and a cloud of them arose , the durganchitals in amongst the other strains not one present , not even a single test nibble , nor just to rest , was clearly noticeable

I think they on insta nowadays , worth a shot for sure

: )


Imho there is no pest resistant strains. As an avid outdoor grower I have yet to find a strain that is not susceptible to some type of pest.
Now if we are talking mold resistance that is a different beast as your airy buds like Sativa’s are not as susceptible as your dense Indica buds but still can get mold in certain environments.


I agree that there is not a bullet proof strain for all pests.
But, in my experience growing outdoors, it’s the sativa dominant strains that do better. The wide leaf indicas seem to taste better to bugs. Same for PM, bud rot as well.


Fun fact that kinda pertains to this, if ur trying to have a plant that is gonna have higher defenses against pests then u really need to consider adding insect frass to either ur soil or ur teas. My fav 3 to use is roach, cricket and mealworm. The whole idea behind it is insect frass contains chiton, the presence of chiton will make the plant think it’s under attack and will raise its immunity and defenses so when an infestation does actually happen the plant can fight back and protect itself. I’m strictly organic and do not spray my plants with anything EVER, cayenne pepper and cinnamon dustings in veg and once flower hits my plants should be strong and healthy enough to finish out their cycle

Not 100% fool proof as I did get some minimal caterpillar damage this year but rather take that loss on an oz of smoke than an entire crop sprayed with something


Yes, very true.
I use it.



I grew Solfire Gardens Bahama Berry and Exotic Genetix Black Patronus in the ground this year. I had zero issues while using Purecrop1 and Monterey BT.


Strains that have done well for me:

Purple Maroc
Texada Timewarp
Fat Bastard

Hardly any bug problems with those while other plants in the area get chewed on.


I think that there are plants that are nearly 100% resistant in their own environment. Once you bring it into a new place then it won’t have resistances to new stuff. The Humboldt heirlooms for instance have been around decades and selected for.


i’ve been meaning to respond more in depth.

there are some breeders who actually put “pest resistant” in their descriptions for certain strains. humboldt seed company is just one example. there are many others that acknowledge some are more resistant than others.

i’m not going to discount a healthy plant with all it’s needs being met having a better chance of fighting off pests. even in my limited experiences (3yrs growing) i have seen both ends of the pest spectrum… those that are resistant and those that are attractants.
GDP is one of those magnets IMO. it smells sweet. must be inviting. i put some indoor winter clones out in early spring to flower outdoors and watch the honeybees come check them out (and leave disappointed/empty handed). the bugs are interested in GDP.
i have similarly seen them go after the purple punch (a GDP offspring) and purple lemonade with similar zeal.

i will have to watch your videos later. thanks.
very busy day at the house.

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you have to wonder when you see something like that. everything chowed and one plant untouched.
all of them receiving the same light/soil/nutrients.

that’s fair.

It was very noticeable
There was also different pheno’s of the Durganchitral in there , wasn’t just a one of plant

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i would have to have more evidence than just 1 or two seasons. but seeing what i saw this year i am inclined to believe some are more resistant than others.

super silver haze IS a sativa dominant strain. same with candyland.
is OG Kush considered indica or sativa dom as it does have sat in its lineage.

that’s an interesting take. never thought of using frass before. the logic is there.
thanks for the tip. appreciate it.

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