Organic nutes for growers on a tight budget

google espon tomato tone. see what you think.after the spring gardeners have finished planting. go to a seed and fertlizer store they usually will put this product on sell for cheap it is organic. and can be foliar sprayed.

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when I saw the title of this I immediately thought “Espoma”. It’s great stuff. Plant-tone is great too - all the “-tones” have pretty much the same ingredients. You can buy massive bags of it for cheap.

It’s mostly chicken guano & feather meal from the Chesapeake Bay regions. the more Espoma we buy, the less chicken shit goes into Chesapeake Bay :+1: But it will give outstanding taste & flavor in produce, you can spend a lot more & not get much improvement.


General organics “Go” box. Its $35 runs 16-20 plants through veg and flower with leftovers. Its actually veganic and organic. I am using it in my current grow. Have had 0 issues with the product. Smells like good shit when you open the bottles. Requires no PH adjustments if used in tap.


those are “fancy” nutes! :smile: for $33 we’re talking 50 POUNDS of Espoma! To be truly cheap you can’t use bottled nutes - also I don’t see the OMRI label on General Organic’s stuff??


Technically Espoma’s stuff doesn’t have an OMRI label either. I emailed them about that before and their official response was:
“OMRI adds a cost – we register our products with the California Department of Food & Agriculture as Organic Input Ingredients. This is equivalent to OMRI.”
I personally use Espoma’s Garden-Tone and have had good results with it in my soil amendment mix.


you’re right, I never noticed that. I’ve heard a lot of criticism about OMRI from several different people recently, a lot of bad stuff is being allowed under OMRI and also they make it very difficult for producers, I would trust the California cert. more (cdfa)

what’s up w/ General Organics - from their website they don’t even call the product organic - is it? I don’t see cdfa or any other cert. To some, “organics” just means some vague reference to something that comes from natural sources…doesn’t mean much to me. I have seen the cdfa cert of some of GH’s products like Ancient Forest

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I was running NFTG. Talking $400 for a line up. So to me, this is cheap. For less than what an 1/8th goes for i can run 20 plants. Not as cheap as yours, but still very cost effective. Not all the bottles have this on them, and none of them have the OMRI stamp. Idk. Good bang for my bucks this far.

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So they claim it’s Calfornia organic but have no certification? I must admit as an organic living soil grower these bottled nutes from GH do not appeal to me at any price. :smile: I’d probably go w/ Roots Organics because of their commitment to organics.


i would like to add high yield organic admenments to this post please google it i will name afew i have good results from blood meal bone meal phosphate i get mine from a local farm and ranch store 1 pound bag 2-3 dollars a little goes long way will last several season.if some 1 knows how i can cut cost more would love to hear from you?


I pay a lot more than that for blood meal.

I bet you are getting that for as little as possible.

Good score.


has any 1 tried insect frass as nutrients. with good results?

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I can’t say that I have buddy. . .Hopefully someone else on hear can help you out :v::+1:

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I use insect frass as a part of my top dress mix at a measure of 2 tbsp per gallon of soil. I can’t speak as to how well it does on making the plants more bug resistant cause Ive never had a bug issue. That could be from the frass, or worm compost, or neem meal, or a combination of all three together I couldn’t tell you.


On a crazier side note, I do plan on making a mealworm bin to make my own frass using wild harvest greens like dandelions, dock, and comfrey.


Keep us posted on that, won’t you?

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I’ve had good results with it as a fertilizer/soil amendment in an organic mix, but I haven’t noticed results with it as an insect deterrent. Maybe I haven’t used enough. If anyone is in the So Cal area (near Compton) lookup Rainbow Mealworms. They grow mealworms and have bulk insect frass around $5 for a 1.5 cu ft bag.


You in So Cal too? Hi, neighbor! Hawthorne in the house!

Wow we live really close to each other. I live near Long Beach. Nice to meet you neighbor Lol

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We need to start us a So Cal growers thread lol

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I’ve been using it in my teas since I started making my own. I can’t outright say that the insect frass is good but what ever I have going on with that combination of things seems to be working pretty well. Probably not the kind of answer you were looking for but I’ll say this, I will be buying another bag of it when this one runs if that means anything.