Best place to find a good deal on bee pollen *edited

I think he is meaning for the processing aspect from kelp meal to soluable kelp…

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No, I mean the oceans are polluted to such an extent that the seaweed contains heavy metals. And you all want the cheapest stuff, and where does the cheapest stuff mostly originate from? China, who doesn’t exactly give much of a fuck about pollution.

And yes, they farm seaweed.


This is why I use bee pollen in my compost tea for flowering.

Bee pollen contains an assload of vitamins, trace minerals, enzymes, fatty acids, protein and aminos

Here’s a more complete list.


Provitamin A (carotenoids) 5-9 mg %
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 9.2 micrograms %
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
Vitamin B5 (panothenic acid)
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 5 micrograms %
Vitamin B12 (cyamoco balamin)
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
Vitamin D - Vitamin E
Vitamin H (biotin)
Vitamin K. Choline. Inositol
Folic Acid, 5 micrograms %
Pantothenic acid 20-50 micrograms/gram
Rutin. 16 milligrams %
Rutin in beehive pollen 13%
Vitamin PP (nicotinicamide)


Calcium. 1 - 15% of ash
Phosphorus 1-20% of ash
Iron, 1-12% of ash
0.01-1.3% of fresh pollen
0.6-7.1 mg % of air dried
Copper 05-08% of ash
1.1-2.1 mg % of fresh
Potassium, 20-45% of ash
Magnesium, 1-12% of ash
Manganese, 1.4% of ash, 0.75 mg %
Silica, 2-10% of ash
Sulphur, 1% of ash
Sodium - Titanium-Zinc
Iodine - Chlorine

Fatty Acids (Conifer Pollen)
Total list identified are:

Caproic (C-6) - Caprylic (C-8)
Capric (C-10) - Lauric (C-12)
Myristic (C-14) - Palmitic (C-16)
Palmitoleic (C-15) one double bond
Uncowa - Stearic (C-18)
Oleic (C-18) one double bond
Linoleic (C-18) two double bonds
Arachidic (C-20) - Stearic (C-22)
Limolenic (C-18 three double bonds)
Eicosanoic (C-20 one double bond)
Brucic (C-22 one double bond)
Pseudotduga dry pollen contains
0.76-0.89 % fatty acid. Major are:
Oleic, Palmitic, Linoleic,
Pinus dry pollen contains:
125-1.33% fatty acid based on
dry weight of pollen, major are:
Linolenic, Oleic - Stearic.

Enzymes & Co-enzymes:

Cytochrome systems
Lactic dehydrogenase
Succinic dehydrogenase

Note: The cozymase in mixed fresh pollen runs about 0.5-1 .0 milligram per gram. comparable to the amounts in yeast. (Bee pollen contains all known enzymes & co-enzymes and probably all that will be known in the future.)

Proteins, Globulins, Peptones, and Amino Acids:

7-35%. average 20%: 40-50%
may be free amino acids: 10-13% consists
of amino acids in dry pollen.
35 grams of pollen per day can satisfy the
protein requirements of man. 25 grams of
pollen per day can sustain man because it
contains 6.35 grams as indicated by Rose.
Plus other amino acids.


Gums - Pentosans - Cellulose Sporonine
(7-57% of pollen of various species:
29% in bee collected.)
Starch (0-22% of pollen)
Total sugars (30-40%)
Sucrose or cane sugar
Levulose or fruit sugar / fructose
Glucose or grape sugar
Reducing sugars (0.1-19%)
Bee-collected: Non-reducing sugar 2.71%.
Reducing: 18.82-41.21% Mean. 25.71%

Pollen contains the same number of amino acids, but vary greatly in quantity of each:
Tryptophan 1.6% - Leucine 5.6% Lysine 5.7% - Isoleucine 4.7% Methionine 1.7% - Cystine 0.6% Thresonine 4.6% - Arginine 4.7% Phenylalanine 3.5% - Histidine 1.5% Valine 6.0% - Glutamic acid 2.1% Tyrosine - Glycine - Serine - Proline - Alanine - Aspartic acid Hydroxyproline - Butyric Acid.


Why go to such great lengths to add all kinds of far fetched stuff to your soil while you can just throw kitchenscraps at it… Y’all love overthinking and spending money.

Cuz anyone can grow pot, but not everyone can grow phenomenal pot, I don’t grow for yield I go for quality and my stuff is top notch, instead of knocking the method maybe do some simple Google searches of benefits of bee pollen in the garden cuz to be ignorant towards it ain’t doing u any favors when u consider all the benefits of it. 2 lbs is 30 bucks on eBay which I’ll likely be jumping on. When the recipe calls for 1/2 tsp per gallon of tea that 2 lbs will last about 3 grows and only used for first half of flower, so knock it if u must but I see it as a cost efficient amendment.

Sure anyone can survive off a basic diet of chicken and rice but u give that fat,steak and potatoes and ur prob gonna fatten up over time, much like I like to see with my girls :wink: my girls get the steak, potatoes, veg, fruit, and desserts metaphorically in my soil mixes

Also this is revs recipes I’m following where I learned to add that amendment, he didn’t get somewhere from being a nobody with no experience and unsuccessful methods 🤷


They get kitchen scraps too, and fan leaves, males, tomato plant trimmings or any green foliage out of my greenhouse really as well after my worms had their way with it :metal::microbe:🪱

I’ll gladly brag my castings are top notch too :wink:


Pretty interesting indeed, ill have to look into it a bit more :+1: