BeTheLights Indoor Grows in a 2x2 tent ( current grow Started 1/1/24 )

If you’ve got central heat or AC, pollen can get moved from room to room by that as well. We do, but my room and grow room aren’t on the duct system so banishing the males to the bathroom puts three rooms and no share ducts in between them and my girls.
I still get a few seeds from pollen on my clothes, more if I forget to change them between messing with the males and going in the greenhouse. That stuff is like the finest, softest, floatiest, clingiest dust. It pours like water too. Really cool substance.


Lol!! I make all sorts of seeds I didn’t want, with unknown daddies. :rofl:
It’s all about impulse control, obsession level, and priorities :joy::rofl:


Probably, but then it’s not smokable.

I chop parts of plants all the time. Off with the head! Well…maybe leave it this time😁


I could never get Alpen Gleaux to grow well.
Buds are always black.

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yeah its def some of the darkest purple ive ever seen lmao. It seems to be doing fine. Just small as fuck, chopping the nugs off when shes ready and im gonna try and leave a little bit of her to see if she will re veg or re flower.


Hey @BeTheLight . How are things going with your little ladyboy ? Are you still plucking flowers? 🫣


Man that thing sucks :rofl: bout to post an update now

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Saturday Feb 24th update .

So, Kullu landrace had a few sacs. R.I.P. I’m just gonna assume the light was too close and she didn’t like that.

She looks good but a little sad. Perhaps from needing water ( just watered now ) or the bend on the main stem added stress.

Wreckage master is a Wreck. It’s basically a guy with a main stem that has hairs. Like lol. Most of you guys would toss this but I’m kind of interested to see what happens. And wouldn’t mind collecting some pollen if it produces that.

Alpean gleaux - the little runt that could. I’d say she’s honestly finishing up , can’t see much more coming out of her.

The double solo cup that could- roots reached the second cup , awesome but I keep accidentally yanking the cup out so root damage may have occurred.

The triple solo is recovering from whatever da hell I did. It’s topped and doing alright.
Lady boy Kush

Oh and the sad thing is , it’s stem rub is phenomenal :rofl:. That’s why I’m curious about that pollen hehe.


Solo cup being badass

Sorry for no alpean pics I just put her back in the tent lmao. I might take some later when lights turn off


Damn it man! :joy: You are having a time of it. Im not sure but maybe your light is too much ? @Upstate would be a better judge. If I were you I would put them all in the tent and finish them to get whatever smoke you can. Then you can start all over again. You will get your garden dialed-in. It just takes time and experimentation. You will do better next time. :grin:


For sure. Getting dialed in over here. Both plants grew fantastic once transplanted. Not sure what caused the herme traits . Maybe it was just the beans but I dont wanna blame THCeeds beans without growing more than one haha. ( plus kullu chucked a few sacs too so Im thinking light intensity was too high for pre flower.)

Def should have flipped earlier too ( like more than a month ago lol ) Because they both stretched , kullu alot more than wbmk

Nearing the end of month two here in the grow. hoping to see more flower production this next month :stuck_out_tongue:

All plants are in 11/13 cycle, so those solo cups should start showing sex soon I think anyway lol

Excited about the Alpean Gleaux. Its a new smell every time. But overall Its like this grape soda, chocolate gas smell. Interesting asf. I hope I dry and cure it well but got good plans. Its rather frosty for a cbd cultivar and so purple its nearly black. We are now at mainly orange hairs. But still got white ones so probably will go with the classic two more weeks to let the little runt fatten up hopefully.

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@Magu @darkillusion @blowdout2269 @Pawsfodocaws @GrouchyOldMan @RainToday

You guys want some trichome shots of my fabled Alpean Gleaux , shes looking milky already so Im thinking another week , see if she swells up a little more !

Excited to vape this cultivar. The smells ive been getting are wild. Grape soda chocolate gas vibes.

Too bad itll only be like 1.5-3 grams dried LOL. If that.


While not the best trich shot, the texture looks sick.

Getting more milky by the day, no amber yet though… does cbd get amber?

zoomed out… she looks black . So frosty

More trichs, little less flash

Sorry this is so dark… woulda been sick brighter.


She’s pretty indeed :slight_smile:
I’ve never grown a CBD only variety.


The little stunted auto that could haha .

If I chop her next week she will be my first ‘’ sucessful ‘’ auto run :stuck_out_tongue:

She doesn’t look done yet to me, still got plenty of fresh white pistils, and hard to tell with her being so dark but the calyxes don’t look very swollen, so she’ll still put on weight. I’ve often had those minis double in size if I wait.

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Oh for sure I plan on waiting. She may be milky but I see 0 amber

And alot of clear still too. And of course like you said shes not swole yet

Shes a fun little plant though. Makes me want to pop more and do more solo cup auto runs.

When I do end up chopping this gal, im gonna leave it rooted and a few leaves to see if it will keep growing

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That’s always good fun :slight_smile:
I’ve had some that grew a whole new branch. Very awesome! Most just sit there and then die :laughing:

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Its an auto , did you ever let one of those sit and grow?

Yep, that’s what I was talking about :slight_smile: left lots of them in various states. I do a lot of “fuq around and find out” :joy:

I worked out that if I only want a modest amount of seeds I can usually leave lower small buds when I harvest, and especially if I’ve left some fan leaves alive down low too I can pollinate those and get seeds.

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Gonna try that then with this stunted auto. Gonna hit her with some black cream auto pollen :eyes:

I think that if explored would make a badass ultra purple 1:1 THC to CBD strain

Alpean is dark as shit and from the pics ive seen of black cream auto, that is also DARK. so man :eyes: cant wait haha :

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