BeTheLights Indoor Grows in a 2x2 tent ( current grow Started 1/1/24 )

Definitely worth a try! I have about a 90% success rate. Look for white pistils after you harvest. Those are viable to pollinate. One seed per pistil. Usually they throw more pistils after getting the first ones pollinated.

If there aren’t any white pistils at harvest, give a light feeding with some immediately available nitrogen and wait for them to appear. For that feed I usually foliar spray, sometimes water with some watered down coffee.

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Awesome, the lowers have plenty of hairs to hit.

Gonna have some Alpean Black beans to toss out to OG here soon <3 if all goes well

Welp im bout to play some Persona 5 Royal , ttyl, will keep things updated :smiley:

If Kullu makes anymore sacs OR if she starts really tossing hairs up I will make another big update

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Good luck! Btw, watch out for over watering after your harvest, she’ll instantly need like 1/4 as much water. Here’s pics of a couple of my “stumpy” gals making seeds. This one started out full sized though. :wink:


Right on , I barely water the gal as is . Good to know thank you !

Inspiring to see stumps tossing beans


Final thoughts on WBMK for now: Its for sure a herme leaning more so on the male side than anything. So I want its pollen. Apparently males dont produce as much terps so the fact im getting such a strong stem rub makes me think the pollen could be gold @RainToday @Upstate @Magu @GrouchyOldMan

Like tbh Only the cola on the main stem has any sign of female flower production, rest is male with a few pistils here and there


If you rub it to much, someone might get Jealous… :laughing:


Bahaha true. Would be neat to collect pollen for the first time.

Kullu landrace also had a few nanners so I gotta wonder if the light was too strong and caused it . Either way, im gonna keep growing.

If I collect pollen from the herme, im cutting all but the main stem off to see if that main stem will make bud ( if it looks like itll produce by then ) if not. I will just cut the plant, collect its pollen and transplant one of the solos

After doing some reading, aside from the herme trait, this wbmk def seems like a good candidate for collecting pollen

is this sentence true ? - ‘’ You can cut branches off males and set them in cups of water in windowsills or under a lamp and collect pollen in a week or so off them ‘’


@BeTheLight . Your last statement is true. because so many plants have hermied, I would say your grow environment is causing it. I think most indoor hermies are usually caused by high temps from the lights. I hope others will chime-in with thier ideas. Learning is the fun part. :grin:

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Gotta get a fan blowing on them leds then !!

I did exactly what I said I would do And actually chopped all the male branchs off like I were cloning and stuck them in cups of water, I will keep those under a light and try and get some pollen.

I did leave the main stem . I want to see if it will make some bud LOL

But this abrupt move is due to I should be able to get pollen in a week or so keeping the branchs alive in the water cups.

I want to transplant the bushier solo cup into the pot haha.

So if I cant get a fan blowing on the leds right away, should I drop it back to maybe 50 percent even?

Ill snag a pic tomorrow. I did WMBK wrong , but hey, hermie and thats what happens baby :stuck_out_tongue: ( its a stick with one cola at the top :stuck_out_tongue: and a few fan leaves )

Kind of suprising she is the one that hermed so bad, she was always shorter than Kullu, so wasnt getting such strong light

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I saw that in someone’s thread, no reason to doubt. They really are flowers, so if it helps, think of it as a bouquet. As long as the branch stays healthy and until it runs out of nutrients it will keep blooming. Personally, I’d use some of the powder from one of those little packets that come with floral bouquets.


Ah true, I could always drop a tiny tiny amount of bloom booster in the water :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh and in hindsight, if the light was already stressing them , taking out huge fan leaves and doing some lolipopping would surely have pushed them over edge . Gotta watch for more nanners on Kullu, if she ends up the same , big rip, but at least I aint 3 months in with decent buds come to find nanners one day lol.
If she hermes too I will just cut off all the male branches like wbmk and move on to much more forgiving genetics :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess I wouldnt be too mad if the only thing that came out of all these plants is some kullu and wbmk pollen along with a few grams of alpean gleaux LOL.

I still have some hope in the solo cups , the bushy one looks rather healthy and Im pretty sure its female. Def wanna get her in the wbmk pot soon. I wonder if I chop the main stem and stick that bastard in a cup of water with nutes if it would produce flower and or seed LOL … prolly would be too much stress

The plan for the next grow is for sure gonna be too organize and document everything lol. I want exact dates and times and tent conditions when I flip, I want plant labels, Would love to try scrog even if its homemade lol. So many ideas.

I might do daily polls too vote my next grow lol. Like pick 5 strains, winner goes up against 4 new ones the next day until one is left standing lol


Depending when you cut. You need to wait until the male flowers are fairly well developed.


This :arrow_up: for sure. A bouquet often lives a week or less. Got to cut the stem with a nice clean cut and into water immediately too. I suggest trying it out with one branch of your plant just to see what you get. Especially with plants, using techniques that work for other people “YMMV” :smiley:


They’re fairly developed id say , theirs some chunkers hanging

@RainToday I got tired of looking at the herme so multiple branches it is


Feb 26 pic update !

Would you guys keep bending the kullu branches over or would you open the tent at this point and raise light ?



I dont know much about grow lights but I think yours are definately too close to your plants. Probably causing your hermies. @RainToday would have a better idea than I would.


Man that sucks too , I knew when I bought it the tent would be too small height wise lol. Guess I gotta flip these babies even earlier.

I guess I am opening the tent and hanging the light higher next light cycle

Hoping Kullu doesnt herme as bad as WBMK ( I mean it may as well have been a male, and tbh I think it was. It just tossed a few female flowers. )

I would just drop the intensity but its already touching the light :p|

Oh I did lightly super crop the branches hitting the light so they wouldnt hit it for a while, My only issue with dropping the intensity is the other plants that are shorter wont be getting enough light maybe. Perhaps that can be solved when I end wbmk

Definitely noted for the future I need to flip at least a week or two earlier than I did this time. Maybe even 3.

2x2x3 is smalllllll.

Keen to end WBMK already and repot one of those solo cups to watch it explode but Im holding off because I want to see if it flowers. Perhaps I just clean cut the stem as well and stick it in water and hope for the best lol.


Lights are one of my weak spots. I use the Photone app and its been awesome, even on my old-ish phones.

I’ve not heard of too much light causing herms, but an irregular light cycle seems like it might. I’ve done it with stress from pH / nutrients in an auto in a solo cup. That one was a trip, because it flipped back to female parts when I got it happy again, and then some more males when parameters got bad again a few weeks later. I also just culled 2 herms from an auto line where I’ve never seen them in unstressed plants. These plants were totally unstressed, gorgeous and vigorous, but their mom had a super stressful life
I’m wondering if I triggered an epigenetic shift she passed to her offspring. :face_with_monocle:

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I think at most in the tent she’d be getting 1200 ppfd give or take… I mean the sun tosses out 3000+ XD. So maybe it isnt the light hmm

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