BeTheLights Indoor Grows in a 2x2 tent ( current grow Started 1/1/24 )

@THCeed Dunno if its heat stress , light stress ( 1200 ppfd ) or what not but I did find some nanners Im pretty sure, I took them all off . Its got hairs so herme trait in this bean :stuck_out_tongue: Im sure itll be alright though. Im keepin an eye on this one

Oh did I say it’s either stress or herme trait I’m not blaming the bean lol. It could totally be a male fully and it decided to make a few hairs :stuck_out_tongue: but it looks female , the nanners were under the blooming flower sites

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@Magu @Pawsfodocaws @darkillusion @RainToday

And others

Gonna have to task myself with ripping out Wreckage Master Kush and finishing her on my closet floor outside the tent lol.

Kullu is just getting wider doing her side branch thing that shes really dominating the space in the tent now. Id be way better off with just her in there . I’ll grab some pics and post them soon for before and after.

For now I gotta take down this grow light


This wmbk is looking herme or is it just a male ?


Erk. 100% herm. I would ditch it, and I’m a pretty permissive soul.


I’ma save herme and pluck everything. If it produces some bud cool, but definitely rip

It smells too good ,:sweat_smile:

Looks like it’ll make bud just fine, I just wouldn’t be up for picking off that many male flowers. Miss one and the rest of your stuff could be messed up.


Here’s kullu by herself now

And the herme sad boi girl

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Not to be discouraging :smiley: party on!

Oh I’m stoned I’ll get 90 percent + of them haha

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Oh yeah here’s the stunted alpean gleaux CBD auto haha


Just isolate the wmbk from your other plants. It will just have seeds in the bud. Years ago all bud had seeds in it. Those seeds will not be more prone to be hermie. New research has proven this to be true. 🥸


Should I keep ripping all the sacks off or let it ride ?

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That is up to you. Can you isolate her/him?

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I can isolate kind of. Only would be a tent door between. So if pollen escapes its oh well…we know what it was lol

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Pollen gets on everything. Your clothes. Your skin. All over your room. Are you trying to make any seeds from other plants or just looking for smoke? @RainToday is more conciensious than I am. She is a better guide.


Def just smoke. Id want to breed if I got a pure male but it’s herme lol. So I’ll just keep them separated :pray:. I plugged most big sacs but I know more will come which is okay. I want to make SOME bud and if I get some seeds that is cool :slight_smile: it’s not the end of the world it’s herming lol it smells damn good.


Yeah, there’s lots of male flowers. I’d get rid of that one myself and i’m forgiving too. There’s a million pollen grains in one male flower. Kullu is starting to push out flowers now. It would be a shame to grow that plant four months and have all seed that you can’t use( You could wind up with way more than you want) It would be different if it was good pure male pollen. (It actually may be OK to use the pollen. Check out “growing hermaphrodites?” thread and show a picture😁. If you are going to keep it , it would be cool to follow the progress of its offspring and see if it matches others experiences.)
The branches will keep extending another 4-6 weeks or so i think. Looks good! I love Kullu branching. One of its best features.


i will keep them seperated and will continue plucking the big boi nanners as they appear. If it dont stop and shift more towards bud production ill end its life then haha

Also I dont know if its worth but Couldnt I in theory STS this plant and it switch over to female genetialia :open_mouth:

Lol it would be brutal but I could chop every single top off that has males and let the main stem do its thing since its showing the most female traits :stuck_out_tongue: @Upstate

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STS does not work that way. It will forever be the way it is now. @Upstate knows exactly what he is talking about. I do not see details in pictures very well because I am almost blind in one eye. Anyway, STS is not an option. YOU must decide. This is how you learn. :grin:


Ah right on, ill just keep plucking the big nanners , and see if shehe makes some bud/ seed haha

IF I see any signs pollen will start dropping I will emergency transport it to a different room , although I dont know where id put light for it.