BeTheLights Indoor Grows in a 2x2 tent ( current grow Started 1/1/24 )

A family photo. The weird pheno Syrian V and the nice pheno Syrian V
The Red velvet cake that’s basically just flower now
The drunken cherry fogdog that reminds me of a sunflower.

Loving these plants. It can only get better from here.


syrian V main cola comes down!!!

The pic dont do justice haha This is a chunker.

1.9 ounces wet weight. Holy moly.

Hoku Does not disappoint.

Also cut down the rest of red velvet cake today. I am hoping these flowers reveal seeds once dry !


Freakshow IBL having some fun in the sun

One neat thing I’ve noticed is it’s hardened it’s stem already

No seeds from the red velvet so I guess I pollinated too early :pensive: all good. It’s curing and smells fantastic. Great smoke too.


Drunken Cherry Fogdog, In the little pot that could.

She is finishing up, I’m but im starting to wonder if she’s one of those plants that don’t really put out amber Trichs ;p

Its been about 83 days since sprout and about 51 days since she started flowering

@darkillusion about how long did yours take to finish up? I’m getting the antsy chop chop feeling but I know she has a little longer probably :stuck_out_tongue:

Well then again, Im not seeing clear evidence of a plant thats full of milky yet so I’m definitely not going to chop today or tomorrow :p.


I know that the FogDog mother was billed by the breeder to be a 70-ish day seed to harvest plant. But it always needed much more time than that. If you look at picture number 3 you can see amber in some of the trichs, so it is getting close to being ready to come down.

If I am not mistaken the last FogDog I grew I had to keep going until around day 100. But the one before that took less time. So it all depends on if the plant is showing more traits from the FogDog or the Cherry Brandy I used to make the cross.


Thanks dark, maybe you’ll be able to help me decide which plant shes leaning toward, When I gently rub the plant and smell it, I get sour candy fuel. Like stronggggg sour with a sweetness backend , Does that sound like Fog or Cherry :stuck_out_tongue: ?

Either way, Im more than excited for this one, its easily the frostiest plant to grow in my tent


It sounds like it is FogDog dominate with the Cherry Brandy undertones. One thing I did notice in my grows with it as well as other people growing it have noted the plant is super frosty.


Awesome , I noticed this super frosty trait early on in flower, It was just shooting out trichomes like theres no tomorrow. Its truly a wonderful plant to watch grow :stuck_out_tongue:


A little fox tailing and some taco leaves are happening.

Cal mag deficiency, heat stress or both? Hard to say.

Peep the poor Syrian V looking wild like my garden tends too


It’s looking beautiful to me, change happens, they’re hitting middle age, with humans hair turns gray, with some cannabis plants taco leaves happen, the cycle of life…
Much peace to you.


Thank you Rogue, Peace and love to you as well !


I want in on this “lovefest” :rofl: May the Universe bless your garden. “Om Mani Padme Hum”. :relieved:


Listen – Soome foxtailing is normal with some strains - some times “foxtails” occur when you go long flower times. Sativas’ and sativa dominate strains present them self with foxtling> Also when a plant foxtails it going thru a 2nd metabolism FYI What great size buds = massiver yields - great job in cultivation


I’m still superrrr new. Thank you for this information Hawk, I cant wait too start over with a brand new grow with a new strain, Im going to get fun with it this time and try for at least a month of veg with rigorous training


your plants look great - nice cultivation - good bud size ___Happt Harvesting !!! Peace ( now chop - chop)

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The chop chop is coming. Shes looking crazy. I need to look at it today and make some judgements on cut time. I think we are nearing the 70 day mark.

Im seeing alot more milky than clear so thats a good sign

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Glad I’ve waited 6 more days.
I’ve sampled a lower nug off this drunken cherry fogdog and it does get me nice and relaxed. Definitely got some THC there but I think I can tell it needed longer so patience is paying off , I have not checked the trichomes in a while but look at this !!!

She’s shifting to a purple :purple_heart: I’m loving this taco fade.

Peep 🫣 the tiny freakshow. She’s got a great root network :point_up: , I should yank her out the cup but I’m kind of committed.

And last but not least , we have the Syrian V , the " ugly " pheno. Whether it’s my error in growing ( probably ) or just genetics ( maybe ) . I’m not a huge fan of the structure and growth lol.

I don’t think I’ve done Hoku justice with this strain, but it’s alright. I’m learning !

@darkillusion Did your Fogs or Cherry Brandys ever fade purple??? Its not cold at night :stuck_out_tongue: I mean maybe down too 69 ish if my AC is kicking good enough :stuck_out_tongue: Such a beautiful plant.


If I remember correctly the FogDog did have some purple in it.


Im just ready to get this tent cleaned up and start a new grow <3 Its been fun.

I want to do some proper training, get a nice thic stalk plant growing in Veg , short and stalk, and then finally flip too flower a month or so later lol.

Yeah Tbh I think we can confirm she leans Fogdog then , which is pretty dope . <3


Hey @BeTheLight . You are doing great man. The learning part is the most fun. :rainbow: