Better luck with small clones

Is it just me or do you guys have better luck with smaller clones?All the nice size ones I cut never take but the tiny little shits always have roots in 2 weeks or faster.I know the bigger ones are supposed to have more nitrogen to push it further but I cut them all the same and use the same practice with every one.Still the little bastards are the winners.


I always cut them at 3.5 inches. I just rooted one that was under an inch for fun.


Actually kind of noticed this myself!

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It reminds me of the micro cuts they used to send in the mail in tiny Rockwool cubes stuffed in glass cigar tubes.I used to get them and was like what to F$&@ am I going to do with this and sure enough they grew.I always looked at the cut and was like how the hell is this thing living with that little bit of air in the tube like that.Got a cut of some Canadian skunk back in the late 90s that like the corner of a dime sack stunk up your book bag so bad that even after you took the bag out the duffle it still stunk so bad you got your bag looked through in high school for weed.I miss those skunks man.


I agree smaller clones are a lot easier to keep alive seldom do the 5/7 inch ones make it .


Glad I found this discussion, am about to cut my first clones off of a mother plant

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I like that it gives me time to work with the others till they get caught up.


I grow micro, so my cuts have always been on the small side. An inch or so in size and have always had good success in rooting them.

Easier to maintain group of small cuts in a micro air cloner as well.

Cheers Johnny

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My clone game is terrible,I’ll cut 5 clones and one will live :grin:
My mate said to dip them in honey before putting them in the soil

It does work


Indeed it does. 20% of the time apparently. :rofl:


Well I just started to dip them in honey lol,before that I used rooting power :rofl:some people are good at
Making clones some people are not,think I fall into the I’m not a good clone maker,but I do make good seeds so that’s fine


I dont believe you. But if you send me some seeds Im man enough to try em out and let you prove me wrong.

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:rofl: autos most of the photo females I made I’ve traded for other things,I’m in the middle of making some seeds at
The minute photo fems
If you want some auto fems,some people don’t like them

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Better one than none that’s how I got my current mom.Good luck on the grow man.AIt feels good just to get even one sometimes.

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My photo grow was off to a slow start after having 19 males lol
Few different but 19 males

Have 5 female photos and 3 autos going now

im getting ready to take cuts off some flowering plants in about a week should i do anything different compared to vegging plants?

My 1st round of clones doesnt seem to have taken just growing like a root slime mold or something.

Or the Gel from an Aloe Vera plant. “Minnesota Nice” ONLY uses it for rooting cuts. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


It’s got to be the salicylic acid in the aloe I think.Aspirin has that in it and it explains the anegelastic effect when you put aloe on a burn and it takes the pain away a little.Now that I think about it I’ve heard of people saying they used crushed aspirin as a poormans way of making a simple rooting powder on thier cuts.Never tried it myself. I’ve had some of my best luck with plain tap water changed out everyday.


I love small cuttings…

Smallest rooted cuttings


I had one tiny bud in a triple wrapped bag in my pocket. I walked into the auto parts store and within a minute the people on the other side of the store were staring at me. Where did that weed go?