How do my clones look !?



Must be that Freakshow strain :rofl:

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Basil? :seedling:


That’s the worst looking cannabis I’ve ever seen.


I had to laugh when I scrolled down and saw the rest of the plant :joy:. The few times I tried rooting cannabis in just a cup of water, they always rotted on me. I tired maybe 5 times with multiple cuttings, only got one that developed roots during the first attempt.


It probably smokes for shit… But I bet it tastes good to cook with. Dunno about its potency though LOL


It’s that abc /duck foot clone buddd


Common man buddy said it was fire :grinning:

Smells good lmao


Crazy part is we do just distilled water for all our propagation switch it out about every two days


Yes sir .gonna try my hand at parsley next !

“The more you know “


Hmm, might have been my problem, tap water and never changed :sweat_smile:


The grow setup I lucked into when I started included a cloning machine and the dude kept telling me how he took bean sprouts and stuff out of his Chinese food and successfully cloned it. He seemed very impressed by, and proud of it. I still don’t know if he was messing with me but he seemed serious. This thread made me think of that so now you all have to think of it too. Screw you all :rofl:


cloned bean sprouts? nope, not gonna waste much time thinking about that. LOL…

I clone / make cuttings off of everything that will root. Probably a list over 100 plants long. Most of my yard bushes were grown from cuttings of just 1 bush of that type.

My two favorite methods are definitely bubble cloner (for cannabis, its nearly 100% for me while I failed miserably with rockwool and other methods that needed rooting hormones), and an Intermittent Mist Sandbed outside. I wanna try rooting cuttings in that, but it will have to wait for spring now since the outside ladies are starting to flower. I can’t see why they wouldn’t grow like mad in the mist beds.


Ok so here it is 9 hours later. If my plan went right you found yourself tossing and turning all night, unable to shake the thoughts of Chinese food ingredients being shoved into a cloner. When you did finally fall asleep you dreamed that you were a bean sprout being picked from the rice and the cloner’s water tickled your legs.

Is that your way of telling us you wet the bed last night? It’s ok man, you can just say it, no shame.


Yeah but it’s a purple mattress so the pee just goes down in the waffle pattern and becomes a problem for later me to deal with :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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If you say so… I woulda told you earlier that I don’t remember dreams anymore, but you were so insistent about them bean sprouts, I just couldnt disappoint you… LOL

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Hopefully this isn’t the case but I should probably mention this. For the longest time I thought I just didn’t dream or at least didn’t remember them. Turns out I had sleep apnea that was keeping me from hitting REM sleep. I dream/remember them pretty regularly now.

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To be fair, cannabis totally suppresses dreams, or at least your remembering of them. I get some nasty ones but after breakfast their all gone a faint memory.

But yeah, suffocating also suppresses dreams.

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I’d be curious about that. I mean, when I’m out, I AM OUT. that 6 hours I do sleep, its like the sleep of the dead. Nothing short of violence wakes me up. Dog can rearrange the bed, I sleep thru it. House could burn down, as long as I wasnt on fire, I’d sleep thru all of it, sirens and all. And I don’t feel tired after. Just a super deep sleep…

Hmm, don’t this fancy watches tell if you have sleep disorders, or at least alert you to them? Never wore one to bed…

TBH I wouldn’t mind remembering a dream now… Been so long I wondered if I still have em…

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