Big bug in my hydroponic tank, what could it be?

Hi everyone, I have a problem but I can’t understand what this insect is. Yesterday afternoon I took my mobile phone and took a video inside the tank to see how the roots are, looking at the video carefully I discovered that there is a large insect but I can’t understand what it is. Today I made another video and unfortunately the insect has disappeared. Can anyone help me understand the situation well? I am afraid!

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i didnt see it. at what point of the video is it visible?

7 sec. you see an insect on the roots

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Your video has too much motion and not enough clarity, can you take a still picture? Try using zoom, to make the bug as big as possible, and be sure to capture enough detail that we can try to help you make a determination… I can’t see legs nor make out any body details from the video you posted.


I think it’s a very rare crawling, I don’t want to kill it!

Quick facts

  • a globally rare species, this beetle was first documented in Canada in 1986
  • this beetle is likely a “glacial relict,” a species that survived from the ice age in an isolated habitat
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If that is what you have, they sound mostly harmless
" Haliplids live in the aquatic vegetation around the edges of small ponds, lakes, and quiet streams. Adults are omnivorous, eating insect eggs, small crustaceans, hydrozoan polyps, and algae, while the larvae eat only algae. The species of Peltodytes deposit eggs on the surface of aquatic plants, while Haliplus chews out a cavity in the plants for their eggs. There are three instances and pupation takes place on land in a chamber constructed by the larva"

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Beautiful :heart_eyes:, they are endangered, it will be my lucky charm until the end of the harvest, even if they live for 3-4 months I think.

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Yes indeed! That is a great way to look at it, they reflect that you have a healthy environment and can be seen as a lucky charm.