The other day I was tieing up my outdoor plants and accidently knocked off a couple buds. One off the Skywalker and one off the C99. I know, it’s too early. I figgered what the hell. I let them dry. I just now took a bong rip of the Skywalker. Now, I have never smoked it before and it still is not finished but all I can say is WOW. I have a dam good head right now. When she’s done, that’s gonna be some excellent cannabis. You guys that got some of that, I believe will be a bit impressed.
Still have not tried the (unfinished) C99 yet. Maybe tomorrow. I checked the trikes and they are really just starting to get milky.
They are really easy growing plants. I’m about to try some out for the first time. Busted a bud off the plant by accident. Washed it and dried for a couple days. I should be able to get an indication of what to expect.
I have another thread called BigMike55 and MarsHydro Go Crazy. You should check out that thread too. I’m running some really stunning Buddha’s Cane in there.
I just smoked three bong hits from the C99 bud i broke off a couple days ago. Good smoke. Can’t tell the taste still too green. But I can tell you I got pretty blasted off that early bud. If I harvested right now, I would still like the smoke. But another week to two weeks they will beef up pretty good.