BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 2)

Morning brother and

Good morning , OG!


Morning @BigMike55


Good morning to you as well. Gonna be very nice here today. Mid 70’s and very little wind. Another good motorcycle day.


Good morning brotha :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Jealous of the riding weather, Got another couple months until I can break her out


Boy! That’s a RAT right there. Does she run? I would drive it.


Oh yea, hard to hold on when I give her the beans. :grin:

my father and I built it over the years. Love the bobber style from the 50s.


Good morning @BigMike55 and the rest!


Oldest son just picked up another Harley, a factory S&S Road King, very nice
it’s the 2010 ‘88’ twin cam dresser But he’s changing the handlebars and exhaust

lol so, he now has 4 (or maybe 5?) at his place.
Only one is getting worked on, the rest all run good

All 3 of our sons own/ride lol but they came by it honest. My grampa, pop, and uncle all rode, i rode for decades, and taught the boys at a young age. lol They all got their first bikes while still teens.

edit… n I’m jealous! I wish I could still ride


Hell yea! Almost a bike for everyday of the week :grin:

Same here with all the family being riders. My bike was pieced together over a decade, no rush but a fun project with my pops, swap meets for the majority of the parts.

I will say I don’t ride as much since going down years ago for going too fast into a corner on my father Softail, Ruined the 20yrs old paint job. Fortunately, it wasn’t injured but definitely shook still. I only bop around now.

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Mornin @BigMike55 , hope you are having an awesome weekend. Spring is ON THE WAY!

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Spring is here, for today anyways. And tomorrow. We’re talking upper 70’s to low 80’s.
I bet tornado season is going to be a bitch this year. Better get the Buddy Hole ready.


Nope not touching that……….


Dammit! Fncking spell checker. That was supposed to be Hidey Hole.


We have one of them under the back porch. Lift hatch door right as ya come up the steps. Never used it in the 6 yrs we been here. lol It was nice, wired for light/outlets,and 6"PVC ‘oxygen tube/feed’,benches, etc. It’s crumbling now and full of spiderwebs, etc lol


We have been in this house 17 years. We used the Hidey Hole one time. I believe it was 2013. When the tornado ripped up El Reno. I think they said it was the widest tornado ever recorded. Anyways. After it tore up El Reno it headed East on I40 until it go close to Yukon. We live about a quarter mile South of the interstate. Near Yukon.
Yeah. There was me, Zee, my cat, the guy across the street, his wife, and three kids in my Hidey Hole. Scary shit.


I have been wanting to build a storm shelter here. But the expense of it is just more than Rob wants to spend. Would take a backhoe to dig it out and then again to fill it in. Plus a special door and steps. I figured it out to be around $5000 for a basic shelter.
Perhaps in the future…….
I think a back porch will come first, with a Barbecue and a jacuzzi.


When we built our home, we went earth contact on 3 sides. One of my wife’s uncles was an skilled bulldozer operator and that man worked the land and just sort of blended the spot for the house into it. Several people have said something like ‘you had the perfect hill for it’ when in fact all I had before his work was a cow pasture.

It would take an absolutely perfect direct hit from a tornado before I’d have much to worry about. When it is your time, welp, it’s your time to go.


Yup! May as well be on the back porch barbecuing from the jacuzzi. :wink:

:arrow_up: This guy get it! :joy: :fist:t3: @Oldjoints


Spring is just playing around with you @BigMike55 .
Check out the wake up call on Tuesday night.


These little rascal have woke up.
This is the seeded Blue Tara.

Here’s the seeded Strawberry Diesel x Space Dude