BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 2)

Haha. I am currently in my 69th journey around the sun. I’m an old guy.

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Hell those are the tiny Buds. Wait till you see the top colas up close. Yours will get there.

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LOL!! Gee you are an old fart…


Thats what I am saying, but I have to wait.

My Moma use to tell me, You need to learn some patience and stop wishing your life away". I know…


I remember my very first serious grow. Seemed like it took forever. And my plants actually sucked. Bad. Then I met some growers and joined here. It seemed like the first took a looong time. and the second, where I actually got a good harvest.
Looking back. That time went quicker than it seemed. Then, when you have a few jars of good stuff, you can grow more leisurely. It will just become “something I do” and in no time you will be harvesting again.
Patience is the name of the game. You don’t get tomatoes the day after you plant them, right?



Depending on a willingness to win a bet, I think


When you started your second grow how many strains did you grow at one time?

Also, do you have a rule that you apply when it comes to starting a new grow?

Like how many a year or do you go for a more perpetual harvest where you have various plants that are always growing in each of the stages?

I know, I am asking a lot of questions but this is a different kind of growing for me. Totally new and challenging for me.

Thanks for tolerating me…

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Jumping in here with my two cents, lol Far as I’m concerned, perpetual harvest is the only way to go. Especially if you have the room for it… and you seem to have plenty. lol


We flip plants every two weeks continuously. That way a harvest every couple weeks gives us plenty of smoke.


Growing for my own medicine is the motivation.

What I do not have my head around is how much do I need?

Currently I have 4 plants under cultivation and of course I am assuming I will finish and harvest all 4. What is a reasonable expectation for the quantity of my first harvest and how long will that product last me based on daily consumption.

Can I do this with 4 plants or do I need 14 or 24 and what is the shelf life of the finished product.

If I develop a perpetual harvest protocol How many square feet should I dedicate for each of the stages.

JP, Your barn I assume is an example of perpetual harvest, would that be accurate? Approximately how many SF do you have for each stage?

Told ya I was full of questions… Sorry but I am man on a mission and time is moving on…


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There’s your answer. If you are limited to space like me I usually a lot 3 1/2-4 months seed to harvest on regulars. Some autos can go 90 days. From seed.
So given my time allotment I would start new seeds about a month and a half before harvesting the current crop.
I have really gotten away from that practice and have been popping seeds whenever I feel like it. Discipline. I need discipline.

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Lets go to DM, brother. Let up on the slight hijack of this thread.

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Sure, Good Idea.

Sorry @BigMike55 Not my intention.

I was not griping.
I just figgered JP wanted to show you his way. I’m good. I have my way that works for me.
You were not bothering me a bit.


There is a LOT of questions & answers, etc going back and forth, my friend. Way too many variables to eat up your thread.

I sent you a DM.

Good morning friends

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Good morning @BigMike55 and all who enter here!

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Bon giorno

Ok. Trouble in paradise. Look what I spied on the Blue Tara.
This don’t look good.

Just the one.