Bil's Cauldron

I’m testing lighting from the bottom up and I noticed a curious thing, the leaves on the bottom are pointing downwards but they are not withered or weak, I believe they are directing the top part of the leaf towards the light that comes from below

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Hello brother @gambiarra.bil !!!

Is the QB directly on the ground???
I believe that soil moisture would decrease its lifespan.

But it’s quite curious!!!



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Yes, it is a QB but it is not directly on the ground, I put some stakes to support the QB above the ground, the dimmer is at 75% and the inline fan is at the same height of the QB, so the temperature is not that high to decrease the moisture, besides that, I belive that the blusoak is managing right the moisture because the water tank is draining really quick and the blumat moisture sensor shows the right number that I am looking for

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Update of the week

Everything going sweet


Increasing the size of the pots and putting in the greenhouse

I will keep 12h of light to see the male and females as soon as possible


Updates of PCK and Golden Tiger
The cuts were taken sunday and apparently is going fine. I used the Big Foot inoculator, FPE and BioCompost in the treatment
There is one PCK that is not so good and I thnking to throw it away, this one doesnt grow well and the leaves are weird.
Going this way, there will be 5 PCK and 5 Golden Tiger still waiting to determine the sex

The flowering plants are going so wonderfuly :green_heart:
The need to control the pests at the beginning of the flowering phase make the plants to branch even more and now the are so many beuatiful top buds and lower part of the plants are so dense as well due to the light from below. There are starting to appear some amber pistils at flowers


The first photo shows the new cuttings after the mistake with the previous cuttings, I forgot to catalog them hahaha. In the meantime, the PCKs showed their sex. Only two of them were female. The interesting thing is that they seem to be very different plants from each other, one with darker and wider leaves and the other with lighter leaves. I kept two prettier males that also showed these characteristics. I made two cuttings from each female PCK to root. I also made two cuttings from the flowering plants. This plant proved to be very resistant and yielded well. It is in its seventh week. It is going really well, especially considering that I am harvesting flowers that are not yet ripe and drying them in the microwave. I ran out of stock, so using them this way is better than nothing. If they are already good even though they are green, fresh and dried in the microwave, just imagine when they are ready, for real. Among the 5 Golden Tigers, none of them have shown their sex yet. So I also made a cutting from each to root right away, but this time I wrote down the position and names of the cuttings. I put the two female PCKs in bigger pots. I left the PCKs in the smaller tent with light time

to revegetate. I placed the Golden Tigers in the tent that is flowering.

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