Bino's garden

This week I’m going to intensify my mip and start preparing things. I’m going to remove all the straw covering the beds and do some precise watering. I have some fungus gnats but they don’t bother me too much, just with the plants being small like that. I’m going to apply a little baeuvaria bassiana fungus, fermented from citrus fruits, a few handfuls of diatomaceous earth and a product from Mountain organics, an extraction of various buds and plants based on vegetable glycerin. I think this way I can get where I want.

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I see much stronger root growth now and that seems to justify the stronger growth. I’m happy to see them happy.


They are preparing for the final transplant! OG, I hope you’re all having a great day!


I’ve never had so much success with sprouts. The roots were not growing vigorously or healthy, I possibly added too much organic matter and added too much water. This time I added less earthworm humus and let the substrate dry out more. I noticed a very significant improvement.
Does anyone have a successful recipe for small sprouts?


Today was transplant day, it was time to hunt. There are 16 blackberry moonshine in the 500 liter bed and 3 kush4 x SSD in the smaller 100 liter pot. This time it will be a short vega and the males will be sacrificed and the cuts will be saved. I’ll select something promising and then make some beans!

Great day to everyone at OG!!


Photo to update this run. 16 Blackberry moonshine from DFG. Fun to see these babies already showing different characteristics. I will select a male and a good female to make some beans and give to friends. It would be cool to find a different feno among females!


Next to it we have these 3 regular kush 4 x ssdd. My seeds were small and the beginning was problematic, I still didn’t have everything I needed on hand when they went into the water. Of 14 seeds, 7 germinated, 5 actually sprouted in the ground and of 5, two came without the apical bud, just the cotyledons and two strange leaves that are still alive today, but without sprouts. I hope to find a lady in these 3 opportunities.


Feno hunt day 19. They are doing well and growing fast in balanced heat. I’m still deciding whether to do top pruning or let them do things themselves. I like what I see.


The kush4 x ssdd are putting on a show! Still dreaming of finding at least one girl to make some beans!


Today was foliar bath day with preventatives. Plant extraction based on vegetable glycerin. They seem to like it, today they woke up praying. Be safe, OG


They seem to love it, dude. Grow safe!

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yeah, man. I’m excited about it!

Man, the garden is very beautiful… this alignment is incredible

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Thank you brother! I only now realized your message… I’m thinking it’s better not to do top pruning in this cycle, just let them do their thing naturally, since this will be a short vegetation, just for hunting… I’m afraid of branching out too much and having problems with air circulation. I should give them two more weeks of growth, at most. Man, I’m excited about the kush4 x ssdd. They have a beautiful, characteristic ridge on their leaves… We continue to root for a girl in the middle.

Just a trio of daily photos. Today the VPD is naturally regulated, 28°C and 70% humidity and I won’t need to wet the walls and everything else, it was 42% these days. I should give it another two weeks of vegetation and then put it to flower. Stay safe, gentlemen. A good Sunday to everyone at OG.


I already see a lot of side branches developing and this is a good sign for me now. I want some more growth to put into flower period. The kush4 x ssdd are very beautiful, those saws on the sides and a good shine on the leaves. I want to take some clones and hope that a female comes along to perpetuate some beans! Great week, Og!!


It’s always great to see how things are progressing day by day. Happy growing

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Thanks man! It’s really rewarding to see them growing day after day! I like living soil because it provides this powerful growth without me having to worry so much, just about the environment, temperature x humidity

Just today’s photo showing how the girls are sporting beautiful raised arms! Have a great start to the week everyone!


Hail brother! every day that passes they get stronger, every day an explosion :boom: this garden is beautiful, bro!


Post photos of SSDD x kush 4 in her race thread too… and Dragon flame in his thread… success brother