Bino's garden

Love the living soil aspect, my best friend does living soil in Georgia in the USA indoors, I do outdoors but he’s taught me so much about soil and its helped my outdoor gardens thrive. The microbial mass and having 65 to 68% calcium levels, my plants grow in ohio like no other. I put them out way too early this year, funky weather in ohio but they flowered end of April. Here we are May 21st and they all reveged, growing inches per day and I claim its the soil. The plants can’t be any healthier


Thanks brother. How is everything there? Always nice to receive your visit

How do you suggest?

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Man, I’m lucky I learned this way as soon as I looked for information on how to plant. I already had some friends here doing this informative work and that’s what I know how to do so far. I’m working on a project to do part of my cultivation in semi-hydroponics, you know, with fertilizers. Maybe next year I’ll be able to work on it.

Just another day for them to do their thing. Just a few photos to update. I like to come and watch my own growth, day after day.

Bed with 16 blackberry moonshine from @dragonsflamegenetics and vase with 3 kush4 x ssdd from bodhi. May you all be enjoying a pleasant Wednesday, OGers!


Good morning brother! Post some photos of them here in the thread

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Thanks for the advice, brother! Happy Thursday to us! :heart:

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Hello Bino, what’s up?

Happy to see your return!! I follow you at IG and discord.

Always beautiful your garden!!! I’m curious about the results of this hunt!! TDG is fire, I dream hehehe



See Jamaican Lambsbread


Hello brother, is everything ok? Say hi to me on IG so I remember! Thanks for the compliment, a pleasure to have you here, man. Come by more often so we can see if I can find anything cool on this hunt. Great Thursday brother!!

Jamaican Lambsbread really is a goal! Is this your first time or do you already work with her? It’s a beautiful sativa appearance (or not necessarily) but it actually looks killer. Is there a topic you report on? Thanks for visiting, sir!!


Leaving here just the daily photos. 16 dfg blackberry moonshine in bed, 3 k4 x sunshine daydream bodhi.

I’ll be lucky if I find at least one female on kush4, two then, I would be eternally grateful. It would be nice to make some beans to give out to some friends. A great Thursday to everyone at OG!!!


:trophy::trophy::fire::fire::four_leaf_clover: very good friend!

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Brother @Onobigrower
This garden is getting more beautiful every day :heart_eyes:!!!
Some blumats would fit perfectly here, don’t you think…


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Thank you brother!!! The time is coming :rose::rose:

Hail brother @punk77 thanks for visiting my partner! Yes, it would definitely be a huge advance! however, in flora I’m thinking about letting the substrate dry a little more than normal. I’ll try a few different things, but it would definitely make the growing season a little easier for me. I will organize this for the end of the year without a doubt!

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They look great and uniform, but I’d do some pruning just to see how they respond. Actually, the whole garden is wonderful.

:prayer_beads: :om:


Brother, this time I’m going to avoid pruning because I don’t want them fighting for space (inevitable, they’re already doing that). Just a short vegetarian phase, flowering, saving the cuttings, eliminating the males and choosing what to breed separately later. They’re not even a foot apart, so after the weekend I should be switching to flowers. If it weren’t for that, they would certainly already be perforated at the top. Thanks for visiting, my partner! Come more often :smiling_face:


Tomorrow is watering day with dechlorinated water and a little syntropic antioxidant microorganisms (MAS). I’ve basically been using this and bokashi to inoculate the substrate lately and to provide support, the products from mountain organics, leaf tonic, tonic plus and soil tonic.

Here they are right now! Honestly, I see them and I’m proud, they’re catching my eyes.
I wish you all a great weekend, stay safe!


They’re definitely eye catching! Thanks for sharing, and I wish you a great weekend as well.

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Thanks man. I just woke up ready to do this manual watering which has really been the most annoying thing, to be honest. I need to follow the advice of @punk77 and automate irrigation


I’m starting to get the hang of this huge amount of subtract. What happens is that it has dried faster on the sides, because it is made of felt, and on the surface, since I’m out of mulch, but in the center it is difficult for the moisture to dissipate. I have the impression that I could go a month without adding water and the plants would still be fine. From now on I will make a thin layer of water on top, to moisten at least the top 5~10cm and a little more on the sides.

Just a few photos from the short photo shoot we did today. May everyone be enjoying a peaceful weekend, stay safe OGers!


A few years ago, I made a semi-automatic irrigation system here and spent very little compared to a more advanced system!!!
It works perfectly once you get the hang of it!!!
I’ll see if I can find some photos and how it was done.
It might give you an idea to make something!!!
