Bino's garden

Thanks for following the whole diary with me brother, I like your company. Yes, I imagine there will be 8 pots of approximately 100 liters for the next ones.


Hail Doug! dude, I think it’s good to start by saying that there is no possibility of moving such a heavy substrate, so I can’t properly sanitize some corners of my flora room and this bothers the annoying person with cleaning that I have become. I also can’t maintain the plants behind the bed well without almost breaking my back every time, you know… I think the real goal is to make things easier and cleaner, being able to move the pots at any time. I also intend to divide the lighting better and I’m going to set up a single panel with all the lighting I have, I’m having some problems in this regard. A quantum bar would be perfect, but it’s not in my moment yet.


Just a rant, I’m upset about having to get rid of it, it was with me for a long time and it grew great plants. To plant in living soil, it is always best to think about as much substrate as possible, it is incredible how easy it is to stabilize good chains of bacteria and thus cycle nutrients. The substrate and microorganisms “learn” to grow one marijuana better than the other, cycle after cycle. If you chose to use living soil and enjoyed growing in 50 liters, you can’t wait to use 100, 200, 300… The more substrate, the better. But I need to adapt to another reality and make my domestic cultivation easier. 80/100 liter pots also do a great job!


That makes perfect sense to me. Pots will at least be moveable.


Nice thread. I like those large beds. I also know they can be difficult to do anythings with them, especially in an indoor environment. Organic indoor can be difficult for sure.
Great show

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Good to see you here @Zanzibar , I’m looking forward to seeing what the smoke of this blue chem will be like, man, it has a really killer chemmy smell, a resin that sticks to your finger with just a touch. She has a curious sweetness deep down but I need more time to say something. Regarding the bed, dude, I love the way she takes care of the plants but it’s a double-edged sword. I believe that with pots of up to 100 liters it is possible to manage a good diet using aerated teas and maintaining ideal humidity or close to it.


Hello OG!

I didn’t have my cell phone for a while, it fell into the water almost two weeks ago. In fact, he’s a real winner, he’s been with me for about 6 years and has been repaired countless times, he even fell from the tenth floor about 5 years ago and was rebuilt and I’m posting and taking photos with him, so forgive the lack of quality of the images, he does his best, anyway

Jack, the ripper feno 1

feno 2

feno 3

Blue chem feno 1

Feno 2

The third blue chem is behind them all and I wasn’t able to photograph it, but it’s very small compared to the rest.


I’ll be back to update all impressions on each plant. Thank you @ix3u , @Zanzibar e @eskobar for all the energy put into this community!


So much resin, bro! Jack the Ripper, the first photo is amazing, lots of sativa characteristics in it! Waiting for the smoke report from Bluechem

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Hey brother, is everything ok? Yes, this jack really has a very sativa appearance and the description of it scares me a little, I’m looking forward to testing the smoke because I normally have a high tolerance.
Oh yeah man, I’m also waiting to try bluechem, it has a killer strong scent!


I like this crazy revegetation